25 | jealous much?

8.6K 128 2

Requested by @lgato10

I hope this is what you were wanting! I'm sorry if it isn't!!

Me and Harry have been best friends since day one. He came and sat in my compartment, and we became good friends. It's been 4 years since that day, and we're still going strong as ever. But I'm not sure my boyfriend is too happy about it. Draco is cocky but caring, so even though him and Harry are enemies, he tolerates him for my sake. But sometimes I fear that he gets jealous when I say I'm going to go hang out with Harry.

"Why do you have to hang out with him? He's such a prick!"

I scowl.

"Draco, he isn't a prick. And just because you didn't get along with him on the first day doesn't mean that you have to be salty about it."

Draco groans as he turns onto his back on his bed. He looks at me upside down, and I can't help but giggle. He always knows how to make me laugh. Yeah, maybe he's an ass sometimes, he's still mine. And I wouldn't trade him for anyone.

A/N Look, I know I haven't been active at all much these past couple months, but trust me, I have a good reason. I have been extremely busy with school and work and life. I just lost an amazing friend of mine today, and started this morning with a mental breakdown. I have so much on my shoulders. I am also trying to figure some stuff out with my boyfriend (good stuff, the relationship is thriving, don't worry) and some family stuff as well. I really hope you guys understand. I might have a contest at some point to see who can help me run this account, but it isn't set in stone yet. I'm doing it because I love this account, but I don't have the time at the moment, but I don't want to delete it. But that reminds me......almost 19k reads?!?!?!?! What?!? When did that happen? Thank you guys so so so so so much. For reading, for supporting, for voting, for everything. You guys are the best! Love you all!!!

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