24 | oh merlin

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A/N Sorry for not updating in a while, so much has happened since then, and I haven't had time. But here is the newest imagine! Also, (u/n): uncle's name, (u/f/n): uncle's fiancee's name.

I waved goodbye as I step into the Floo. I see Draco wave back, slightly sad that I'm going, and I smile. I see him smile back at me before the green flames consume me. Thankfully, we both learned the use of the technology that Muggles call an iPhone. It was difficult at first, but we got it. So while I'm gone, we'll be able to talk to each other and not wait for letters.

Also, let's get this straight. Me and Draco are not dating. We like each other, we know it, but that's the extent of that. Our parents aren't allowing us to date just yet. Only until after we graduate Hogwarts. We're in our 5th year now, only 2 more years to go.

I step out into the bright room, and out the window, I see the famous canals of Venice. My family and I are here for my uncle's wedding. He and I are very close, him being slightly possessive, and scares off every boy that likes me, but he does it in love. We enter the hotel's lobby, checking in and going up to our room. But before I step into the huge suite that is my room, I hear a small ding, come from my back pocket.

Draco: Did you arrive safely?

Me: Yes, don't worry. We're getting into the rooms now.

Draco: Okay. Just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Me: I'm fine lol

I roll my eyes, and take my bag into the room. I begin to unpack, when my mom comes into my room.

"Hey dear, after we unpack, we're gonna go visit with (u/n) and (u/f/n). Okay?"

"Okay. I'm almost done anyways"

She smiles, then goes back into her suite. I finish unpacking, then go join my family in the lobby. In turn, we take the Floo Network to the house. I go first, the green flames covering me until I end up in the living room of (u/n) (l/n). I see (u/l/n) looking at me, and I grin super big, and go give her a hug.

"Hey (y/n)! Hows it going?"

"Hi! I'm good! How are you?"

She nods, "As good as I can be. My wedding's in a few days."

She laughs and gives me another hug.

"I've got to go clean the kitchen up a little. (u/n) is around here somewhere."

She turns to the kitchen, and I hear someone clearing their throat behind me. I turn and see (u/n) by the stairs. I run over, jumping over their two pugs, Tony and Isa, and tackle him with a bear hug.


"Hey (u/n)"

It's been forever since I've seen him, so you can imagine my excitement. The rest of my family arrives, and we all have a fun little reunion. Everyone sits on the couch, and I sit by (u/n). He grabs my mom's attention, and asks,

"Where's (y/n)'s phone?"

You see, my whole family has a phone, it's much easier for us to communicate that way.

I turn red, knowing what he was going to do, and hid my phone behind my back. He grabs it from me, and getting my thumbprint, gets into it. He immediately goes to my facetime, and starts to facetime Draco. Usually, Draco picks up first ring, but for some reason, he didn't pick up this time. (u/n) tries again, and when Draco didn't pick up, he tried calling him. That didn't work either, so (u/n) makes a voice message.

"Hey Draco, (u/n) here. So, I noticed that you weren't picking up your phone, and I don't like the fact that when-"

I interrupted, "It's not recording"

(u/n) looks at my phone under his thumb, and says, "Yeah its going. Anyways..."

He keeps going like that for a little bit before he finally stops. He sends the message, laughing at my bright red cheeks.

"He might go into cardiac arrest after hearing this, but at least he'll learn to answer his phone"

Next time, I so hope Draco picks up.

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