21 | accidental relationship

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A/n the backstory to Fireworks

Your POV

I walk down the corridors, clutching my books to myself. I hear running footsteps coming from behind me, and as I turn, I catch myself as f/n and Ginny nearly run into me. I chuckle then ask,

"Do you need something girls?"

They look at each other, and burst into laughter. I emit a couple nervous, confused giggles, then ask them once more.

"Do you guys need something?"

Ginny slows her laughter, and pipes up.

"We've set you up on a date. He's a really nice guy and you'll like him."


I cannot believe them right now. They hand me a slip of parchment with a time, date and place on it, then shuffle away. I curse in anger, then stomp off to Transfiguration.

The day passes and I head out to the Quidditch field, 10 minutes before the allotted time. I pull my coat closer to my body, as it's cold outside. But the thin layer of cloth does nothing to relieve me of the cool that's overtaking me. 10 minutes come and go, and there's no sign of anyone.

"I knew it." I mumble to myself. I stand up, and start to head back, when I hear a voice that stops me in my tracks.

"It's y/n, right?"

I turn slowly, hoping it's the guy I've been set up with.

But to my dismay, it's Draco Malfoy.

"What do you want Malfoy?"

I shiver a bit, as the wind picks up.

"I was flying a bit, when I noticed you. You seemed to be waiting for someone, but they didn't show. Am I right?"

I sigh in defeat, as I nod fervently.

"Yeah. I was set up with some guy, but he never showed up. Guess he wasn't as great as they said he was."

Draco chuckled a bit, and spoke up,

"Well maybe, you still come back in there with a guy. I'll do it."

I look up at him in shock.

"You'd really do that?"

Draco's POV

What am I thinking? It's too late to back out now, so I go with it.

"Yeah. I'd hate for you to back and be humiliated."

What have I gotten myself into?

Your POV

What have I gotten myself into?

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