17 | fireworks

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Draco and I have recently started dating. Being a muggleborn, you an only imagine the anger it ensued upon his father. But Draco doesn't care. He loves me just the way I am. So today, I am going to take him somewhere, and show him something that I loved doing as a child. I'm taking him to see fireworks.

"Where are we going? Love, please tell me."

I chuckle at his childlike persistence.

"No Draco. You'll see when we get there."

I am driving there, which of course struck Draco with all kinds of questions like,

"How does it work? Why is it going this fast? How do you turn the music on?"

I couldn't answer all of them, so I shut up until he did. Finally we got to the place. My father was one of the guys that was setting off the fireworks, and I couldn't be any more excited. I had taken us to the top of a parking garage, as to get the best view.

"Love, what are we doing here?"

"Just wait and see. It's going to start soon."

We laid on the hood of my car until finally I heard a faint thump coming from the ground. I smiled as the small ball of fire shot up, exploding in mid-air into a flurry of color and light. I looked over and Draco had nearly fallen over from fright.

"y/n....what the hell was that?"

"That Draco is called a firework. Its basically a small ball of fire that- boom shoots up into the air and explodes into all these colors"

"Ho-" "Shut up and just watch"

The show goes on for about half an hour, ending with the grand finale, many fireworks going off at once, the booming echoing off the mountains. I look over, and Draco's eyes are wide with excitement. I laugh, gaining his attention.

"Why are you laughing?"

I smile and reply,

"Because. You look like a child right now. The look upon your face says it all."

He laughs along with me, placing his hand on my thigh. We calm down a bit, then he leans in, placing his soft lips onto my own. We break apart, then look up at the sky.

"I know this is going to sound really cheesy y/n, but look at all the stars. They shine so bright, they are so beautiful. But none as beautiful as you."

He's right. It did sound really cheesy and dorky. But he's my dork. And I love him to the moon and back. And to think, it all started by accident.


Mwah ha ha! You guys are now in suspense are you not? But seriously, comment below if you want the backstory.

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