23 | a dream

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Merlin I miss him.

Draco's been away on vacation in Venice with his family for 3 weeks now. I'm hopeful I'll see him at the end of the week, when he's expected to be back home. We've sent letters and Patronus', but they aren't as good as talking with him face to face. But I had the best dream last night.

It was me, Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Pansy, Cho, Lavender, and a couple other girls. We were sitting in a room, and McGonagall comes in and says,

"Girls, you're crushes or boyfriends are going to come in and sit with you. You will spend the day with them."

I look up and Harry, Neville, Ron, Blaise, Cedric, Draco, some Hufflepuff guy, and some other guys walk in. When I see Draco, I immediately smile. He comes and sits next to me, instantly grabbing my hand. I lean my head on his shoulder, and whisper,

"I'm glad you're here"

"Me too" He whispers back

Then all of a sudden, we're in the lake. A woman comes up to me, and says,

"Miss l/n, I'm here to give a shot."

I go to grab Draco's hand, not knowing why I let go of it in the first place. I am deathly afraid of needles, and he knows it.

"Its okay. You're gonna be okay y/n. I'm here."

I squeeze tighter, then its over. I open my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. About to turn to hug Draco, it goes black.

Dammit. I'm waking up. The unfortunate end to an amazing dream.

I go back to looking out the window, waiting for the arrival of another owl. I sigh, putting my chin in my hand.

Merlin I miss him.

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