8 | try me #1

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I walked down to the Quidditch Field, my camera bumping against my chest. I looked up and saw Slytherin practicing. I hope we win on Saturday. Ever since Potter came, we haven't won many games against them. I lifted the camera to my face and started to snap away.

I took a picture of many things. The Quidditch hoops, the players flying around on their brooms. I sat down in the stands and started chimping. Chimping is the professional term for checking your photos, making sure they're okay. I flipped through them, and noticed something. A certain platinum blond boy was in every single one of them. Surely he didn't know I was here?

I had tried to be on the outskirts of the field, so they players aren't distracted by me, and try to show off. But thinking back, it seems like Draco was showing off ever since I got here.

Draco's POV

I was practicing with the team, when I saw someone coming. Not wanting to attract attention, I subtly started to show off, and maybe they might notice. When the person came closer, I saw that it was a Slytherin girl, and she had a camera around her neck. She got a little closer, and I realized that it was (y/n). Her (h/c) hair flowing against the wind, and her (e/c) eyes contrast her uniform.

Oh this'll be good.

I tried my hardest to be in every photo she took. I'm pretty sure the rest of the team didn't notice her, but they did when she went to sit in the stands. Every single one of them started showing off for her. I laughed because she wasn't looking. She was looking at her camera and frowning.

"All right guys! Practice is over! Go wash up!"

All the guys looked disappointed, but obliged. (y/n) looked up, and looked around. She must've been looking for me, because as soon as she saw me, she stood up with a blazing look on her face, and started coming down.

Your POV

I heard as Draco yell that practice was over. I had been looking at the pictures ever since I sat down, so I didn't get any more pictures. I looked up to look for Draco, slightly angry. Once I spotted him, I came down from the stands.

"Draco Malfoy! I need a word with you please!"

Draco looked back at me, a smirk on his face.

"What do you think you were doing? I came to get pictures of you guys practicing, not you trying to show off for me."

I crossed my arms, and looked at him with a questioning look. He laughed and replied,

"Well, you wanted pictures, I gave them to you. Maybe next time, try not to be seen. Maybe then I won't notice you."

Woah. He noticed me? I shook my head.

"Next time? What makes you think there'll be a next time? Maybe this "next time" you speak of, will be me photographing the Gryffindors"

I knew that that would irritate him the most. Good. Let him be pissed. I don't care if he can make my life a living hell. I can make his one as well. I can snap back with a comeback almost immediately.

"You wouldn't do that"

I look at him with a look in my eyes.

"Try me"

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