5 | muggle world

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I sigh as I walk through the streets of muggle London. The last time I was here, well, I was very little. Mother and Father didn't really care much for it, preferring to stay in our world, the wizarding world. I pull my phone out of my back pocket, and plug in my earphones. The music fills my ears as I begin to listen to one my favorite songs.

Right here, right now. I put the offer out. I dont want to chase you down, I know you see it. You run, with me, and I can cut you free, of all the treachery and walls you keep in. So trade that typical, with something colorful, and if its crazy, live a little crazy. you can play it sensi-

I was singing, and sort of dancing, when I paused the music. I had entered a muggle cafe, and sat down at a table. I play the music again, and start humming along.

-ble, a king of conventional, or you can risk it all and see. Dont you wanna get away, from the same old part you gotta play cause i got what you nee-

I scowl. This time, the music stopped because someone had taken the earbud out of my ear.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? I was listening to that!"

I turn around to confront the person, and was met by a familiar, silver eyed, platinum blond, Slytherin boy.

"Draco? What are you doing here? I thought you didn't like muggles"

I whispered the last word, knowing that we were surrounded by them.

"Gee, its good to see you too (y/n). May I sit down?"

I purse my lips together, and nod towards the seat across from me.

"Thanks. And that was my father who was against them. I only "hated" them to impress him. He's in Azkaban now, so I don't have to worry about it."

I look at him curiously. He's changed a lot since our days at Hogwarts. Draco was every girls dream boyfriend at school, but he really didn't do relationships. He just shagged a girl and moved on to the next one, not caring about what would happen about that girl's feelings. But now, I don't know. He looks like he's changed.

"Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer."

I quickly look down at my mug, then back up at his face, to be met by his infamous smirk.

"I'm just trying to see if you really have changed. You weren't exactly the nicest of people at Hogwarts"

Draco's face softened, and he grabbed my hand, surprising me.

"I'm not that person anymore (y/n). I've changed. It was my father who was my influence, and I hate to say that I actually listened to him. I hope you can forgive me."

Woah. That really took me by surprise. Draco has changed. About......everything. It seems like he doesn't care about blood purity anymore, since we're sitting in a cafe full of muggles, and he's sorry about what happened. Huh.

I smiled a bit, then answered,

"It's okay. I guess I forgive you."

Draco broke into the biggest smile I have ever seen. We both break into laughter, turning the heads of almost everyone in there. Paying for my tea, Draco takes me by the hand and drags me outside.

"I hope we can be friends (y/n). And maybe, in the future, we could be more than that."

He leans down, and places a kiss on my forehead, then walks away, leaving me flustered, excited, nervous, and a little scared. But I think I'll live. Besides, Draco Malfoy wants to be my friend, and maybe something more. Whats not to love?

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