4 | singing in the corridor

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It was almost curfew, and I was rushing to get back to the Ravenclaw common room. It was somewhat difficult to do so, seeing as how I had a bunch of books in my arms. I slowed down a bit, and pulled out my wand, and apparated my books to the common room. Not many people were in the corridors, so I decided to do something I would never dare do during the day. I started to sing.

Draco's POV

It was almost curfew, but I didn't really care. I knew how to avoid Filch and his stupid cat, so I was able to stay out without being caught. As I was nearing the corridor by the Great Hall, I heard something that made me stop. Singing.

Mother used to sing to me, but she doesn't do it much anymore. Father doesn't like it when she does. So I was surprised to hear such an angelic voice. Why hadn't I heard it before. I stopped and began to listen.

I'm trying to hold my breath
Let it stay this way
Can't let this moment end
You set off a dream with me
Getting louder now
Can you hear it echoing?
Take my hand
Will you share this with me?
'Cause darling without you
All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the nightsky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough

For me

The singing stopped, and I carefully peered around the corner to see the bearer of this wonderful voice.

Her back was facing me, but I could see her beautiful, (h/c) hair, falling around her shoulders. I had to know her. I followed her quietly, stopping when she came to the Ravenclaw tower. Of course. She wasn't a Slytherin. But I really don't care.

Your POV

After I was done, I hummed to myself all the way to the tower. I heard a soft scuffling behind me the whole way there, like someone was following me. Unexpectedly, I quickly turned around and gasped.

"Malfoy? Why are you following me?"

Malfoy had tried to scurry behind a small statue when I turned around. I had taken him by surprise.

"Um, well, you see, I, um"

"Malfoy, whatever you're planning or whatever, please don't I just want to get through school, and actually do something with my life."

Malfoy, surprisingly, started to blush and muttered,

"I heard you singing"

Now it was my turn to blush.

"I'm sorry if I broke your eardrums. I'm way too shy to actually sing in front of other people, because my parents would punish me if I did. So I'll sing at night, when no one is around to hear it. Why am I telling you this? I'm gonna go"

I turn to walk into the common room, but I felt a cold hand wrap around my wrist.

"Don't apologize. It was the most amazing singing I've heard in a while. It reminds me of my mother. And I'm sorry you get punished for doing what you like to do."

My eyes widened. I have never seen this side of him before. Usually, he's bullying people and calling them rude names. I always tried to stay away from him because of it.

"Can I get your name?"

I don't know why, but I told him

"(y/n) (l/n)"

Draco's POV

(y/n) (l/n). Finally, I knew her name. I realized I still had her wrist in my hand. I pulled her closer, surprising even myself, and placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Goodnight (y/n)"

Letting go of her wrist, I walked away, smiling to myself. I knew that someday, I would be privileged to call her my girl.

Your POV

When Draco kissed my cheek, even when he pulled away, it still felt like fire. I've never known that before. Walking into the common room, and floppong on the couch, I think,

Hopefully, sometime in the future, I could call him my man

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