14 | dating draco malfoy would include...

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-cuddling in front of the common room fire

-him sneaking you treats in the middle of class when you've forgotten to eat

-him being really protective, always letting people know that you're his

-you going to every one of his Quidditch matches

-or you playing with him and end up winning

-nose and forehead kisses

-you playing with his hair every chance you could get because you think it looks sexy when it has that just-rolled-out-of-bed look

-him teaching you wizarding chess

-if you're a muggleborn, then you teaching him how to play card games like Poker or Yaniv (a/n look it up, its a really fun game)

-you coming up behind him in winter and wrapping your arms around him and putting your hands into the jacket pocket

-him surprising you with hugs from behind whenever he could

-him having to lean down when you guys kiss

-coming home with him for Christmas cause he can't wait for you to meet his parents

-Narcissa loving you immediately, Lucius takes some time before he accepts you

-you finding out about the many letters he sends about you to his parents

-snuggling with him in bed

-him holding your hand under the table during classes

-he always has to touch you in some way (I see you dirty people)

-whether its holding your hand, placing his hand on your leg, having his arm around your waist

-your first kiss was in Hogsmeade when he asked you nervously if you wanted to be his girlfriend

-you responded with a kiss on his cheek, then he pulled you into a hug, then kissed you

-then 5 years later after the Battle of Hogwarts, he asks you to marry him

-of course you say yes

-everyone you know is there including Harry, Hermione, Luna, and all the Weasley's 

-you guys having Scorpius

- loving each other until you both die on the same day because 'you can't go without me'

A/n I hope you guys enjoyed that. It was my first time doing these. Comment if you want me to do more!

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