12 | the pool

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Your POV

"y/n! Come on! Its only a small jump!"

I look down at the light blue water that was moving faster than it seemed. They're right though. It's only a small jump. About 3 feet. It wasn't bad, so why was I hesitating? I took a deep breath and jumped. Landing on the other side, I wobbled a bit, finding my balance. I laughed. What was the big deal? We kept going through the forest, looking back ever so often to see if anyone was following us.

Earlier that year, me, (f/n), Luna, and Ginny found a hidden pool in the Forbidden Forest. That's where we're heading now. We giggled quietly upon arriving. We set down our towels and stripped off our clothes, revealing bikinis underneath. Ginny's was red, Luna's was purple and blue, (f/n)'s was grey and white, and mine was (f/c).

"Guys, hurry up!" Ginny whisper yelled.

I slip into the warm water and wade for a bit until I hear a voice that doesn't belong to any of the girls.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

I looked up and saw the one and only.

Draco Malfoy.

I groaned and said,

"Malfoy what are you doing here?"

"I was here to swim, but apparently the pools already being taken. I guess I can swim with you."

Ginny scowled at him, then smirked, obviously confusing Malfoy. I turned to see what she was looking at, and laughed.

Both Luna and (f/n) had their wands pointed at Malfoy's back.

"Go away Malfoy" Luna said, calmly.

He scowled at the two of them, but turned around and left. Luna and (f/n) got into the water and we swam until it was almost dark.

-Time Skip to Next Day-

It was Sunday, and the girls were still all asleep. I decided I would go to the pool. Leaving a note, I grabbed my swimsuit, and slipped out of the dorms. Running along in the corridors, I saw that the sun was only beginning to rise.


I ran into the Forbidden Forest, heading towards the pool. Soon enough, I arrived. I took off my clothes and slipped into the water, and waded around, watching the sun rise higher and higher. I sighed and started to take a lap around the water, until I ran into something hard.

"What the hell?"

Turning around, I groaned as I realized I ran into the one person I did not want to see at the time.

Draco Malfoy

"Well hello there. Couldn't keep away huh? I do have that charm." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"For you information Malfoy, I did not know you would be here. I just wanted to watch the sun rise and I love this place, and I-"

I never got to finish, because Malfoy shoved his lips onto mine.

I pushed away, and sputtered,

"Malfoy! What the actual fuck was that?"

He laughed, not a mocking laugh, but a genuine laugh.

"I just thought you never stop yammering on about this place, and I knew that that would be the only thing to shut you up."

I couldn't believe it. I looked at him curiously, taking in his features.


"I just.......why?"

"I told you. To shut you up"

"No. That's not it. I know it."

He sighed, and ran his fingers through his wet, blond hair.

"Well....because I guess......I think I like you."

......I have no words for that. I can't, what? He likes me? That's kind of hard to believe. I stared at him, mouth open, not knowing what to say.

"(y/n)? Please say something."

He even knows my name. I don't have any words for Draco, so I swim towards him, having backed up significantly, and take his face in my hands.

"I think I like you too"

And right as the sun rose over the very top of Hogwarts, illuminating the grounds, I pressed my lips gently upon Draco's.

This is going to be one hell of a story for the girls when they find out.

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