16 | because i care #3

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A/N I got a few requests saying that I should do a part 3 to this oneshot, so I took that advice. Hope you enjoy!

A Few Years Later

Ever since that night in the Astronomy Tower, me and Draco have been going out. But before he took me out anywhere, he made sure that I was okay, that I had someone to lean on, made sure that I didn't have any more suicidal thoughts. Having him there, helping me, really helped. But sixth year was hard. I hardly ever saw him, and when I did, he was distant. And seventh year was the hardest. I never saw him. Thankfully, I was protected by my blood status.

But the war was 2 years ago, and we couldn't be happier. Today, Draco is taking me somewhere. I don't know where, but I do know that it's somewhere special.

I was finishing up my outfit (above) when I heard a knock at the door.

That's Draco.

I hurried to the door, flinging it open, and attacking Draco with a hug.

"Hey love. Ready to go?"

"Of course. But remind me again where we're going?"

Draco laughed. I love it when he does that.

"Nuh uh, can't tell you. Nice try though."

Draco holds my hand tighter, then we both apparate to the most beautiful place I have ever known in my entire life. I gasp as I spin around to take in the sights.

"Draco, love it's beautiful! I love it!"

I don't hear anything from behind me, so I turn around to see what was going on. As I turn around to inquire where my boyfriend was, I was greeted with the sight of Draco on his knee, ring in hand.


"y/n l/n. Ever since that day in the Astronomy Tower, I've realized my feelings for you. And even now, you are still the gorgeous, smart, talented woman I fell in love with. What baffles me is how you can love someone as broken as I am. But you do. And I love that about you. You always see the good in people, even if there isn't much good in them. (I started actually sobbing at this point) So, would you do the honor of becoming mine until the day we die? Will you marry me?"

Tears are flowing down my face faster than anything right now. I can't speak, it's so overwhelming, so I nod my head up and down as much as I can, laughing through the tears. Once I finally have my shit together, I manage to speak,

"Of course I will you big arse"

Draco stood up, sliding the ring onto my finger. I can't believe it. I'm actually getting married. Draco fucking Malfoy is my fiance. This is more than I could've ever hoped or dreamed.


Hey guys, sorry for the late update. I'm really busy with my personal life right now, a lot of things are going on. And to top it all off, I am currently working on the first chapter of a Finn Wolfhard x Reader book called Why Me. And don't forget to read my other oneshot book, This Is Me. It has a powerful message that I want to get out to all the people of the world. Love ya guys!

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