10 | because i care #1

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Sorry for the late update, everything has been a little busy for me, with school and everything, but here's part 1, and part 2 will be here at some point.

Your POV

I sat at the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall, eating breakfast. There were many people talking around me, being loud, laughing, but I didn't hear any of it. All I heard was the pounding of my head, the echo of what I heard last year. I'm done. I'm done with the fighting, the bullying, the constant teasing I have to endure every single day. And the war. The war I know that is looming over the horizon, just waiting to be fought.

As I was becoming lost in my thoughts, I heard the flapping of wings, and a soft, yet loud hooting was in the air. I looked up, and was surprised to see my white and blonde owl, Tinker, flying towards me, holding a small letter in her talons. She swooped down, landing on the tight space I cleared for her.

"Thanks Tink" I mumbled, while giving her a treat before she flew away. I turned the parchment over, only to see that it was from the Ministry.

Thats odd.

I hesitantly opened it up.

Dear Miss (l/n),

We are sorry to say that yesterday, at approximately 10:30 p.m, your parents were murdered, hit by the Killing Curse. At the present moment, Aurors are tracking down and locating the person who did this, so you needn't worry. Again, we are terribly sorry.

Our condolences,

Ministry of Magic

No. It can't be. The people who believed in me. The people who loved and cared for me. Gone forever.

Tears stinging at my eyes, I ran out of the Hall, heading to the Astronomy Tower, turning the heads of many people.

Draco's POV

Pansy kept droning on about how to tease the Hufflepuffs. I admit, some of them are pretty weak, but there's one that is stronger than the rest.

(y/n) (l/n)

I noticed her a couple weeks ago, only getting her name last Wednesday. (y/n) was gorgeous. I couldn't keep my gaze away from her, its difficult. But when I scanned the Great Hall, I noticed that she had gotten a letter, and it looked as if it wasn't good news. My suspicions were confirmed when (y/n) ran out of the room, with what looked like tears down her face.

"Um, Pansy, I- common room.....forgot some books. Be right back" I mumbled to the pugfaced girl. She was still laughing at (y/n). I rolled my eyes and followed (y/n).

I ran after her quietly, not wanting to scare her. She ran up a set of stairs, where I saw led to the Astronomy Tower.

This cant be good

Your POV

I couldn't help but let the tears run down my face as I ran. I got up into the Astronomy Tower, then stopped, looking around for the closest window. Spotting it, I walked over to it, getting up on the windowsill.


Closing my eyes, I stepped out, and started to fall, but before I could go any further, someone pulled me back into the building, and wrapped their arms around me. Not seeing who it was, I let them comfort me, and I cried into their chest.

Draoc's POV

I saw (y/n) stand up onto the windowsill, immediately knowing what she was about to do. But before she could fall, I sprinted forward, grabbing her by the waist, and pulled her into me, trapping her with my arms. Before long, she gave up, and began crying into my chest.

"This isn't the answer (y/n)"

She looked up at me, and the surprise was evident in her face.

Your POV

I heard someone speak, so I looked up, and was surprised to see a familiar, platinum blond, Slytherin boy, who I often saw.

"D-Draco? Why?"

He looked at me, worry etched into his face.

"Because.....I care"

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