2 | under the table #2

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Its 8:45 and I'm still wondering whether I should go or not. I have no idea what he was trying to pull off in the Great Hall. After that, I haven't seen him all day, not even in the common room.

I sigh, then make a decision.

9 o'clock comes and I'm quietly slipping up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower. As I look around, I notice that Draco isn't here. Of course. This was probably a stupid dare, or a prank. I groan, then turn to head back to the common room. Right as I begin to trek back, there's a scuffling noise behind me.

"Wh-Whos there?"

I pull out my wand, getting prepared, then all of a sudden, a pair of arms snake themselves around my waist.


"Shh, do you want somebody to hear us?"

I turn around, and see the familiar platinum blond hair, and silver eyes.

"Draco Malfoy, what the hell were you thinking? You said 9 pm, and when i got here, you weren't there!"

He looked at me for a while, then began to smirk.

"Were you worried about me love?"

That took me by surprise. After regaining myself, I shook my head a little, then answered him,

"A little. Worried that this was a prank, or you were going to do something to humiliate me"

Draco laughed. Not the mocking laugh I hear everyday, but a real, genuine laugh. I havent heard one of those in a long time.

"I could never. Remember? We grew up together, why would you think that?"

I looked down at my feet, knowing he was right.

"You've changed so much Draco. You aren't the little boy I used to know anymore."

I kept my gaze down at my feet, until I felt Draco's arms pull me into a hug.

"I have changed. But not towards you."

I was surprised by the softness of his voice. And it surprised me even more when he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you (y/n). Ever since our third year. Ever since you hexed that Gryffindor that was laughing at the crying first year."

I looked up at him, not knowing what to say.


Then I did something that I would never expect myself to do. I kissed him. His lips were surprisingly soft and gentle. We kissed with such a passion, something inside of me exploded. I think it was my heart, because of all the love I was receiving.

We broke apart, then stared at each other.

"I love you too Draco Malfoy"

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