7 | married life

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I was making some food for myself in the kitchen, when I heard the front door open and close. I heard stomping, and a loud thump, which came from Draco's bag most likely. I heard him flop on the couch and groan loudly, followed by a string of curse words.

I stopped what I was doing, and came into the living room, where I saw him, face down on the couch, in his hand, The Daily Prophet. I leaned over and took it out of his hands without a word.

Draco Malfoy: Successful? Or Not?

I didn't need to read more when I saw who wrote it.

Of course. Rita Skeeter

"You okay love?"

He only grunted in response. I leaned down, and laid on top of him.

"You know, I can do the same thing. Be all mopey and floppy. I can do the same thing."

I then proceeded to groan into his back. But what I wasn't expecting was for him to lean over, causing me to fall off the couch.

"No you can't. You can't be mopey and floppy like me. That's my job. I want you to be happy, not frustrated."

I look at him, and place a kiss on his lips.

"Its nothing. She's a bitch who lives to upset people. Don't let her get to you. I won't let her break you down to dust"

Draco smiled a little, and scooted over to make room for me. But instead of getting next to him, I shimmied underneath him, causing his head to lay on my chest. I began to play with his hair as I kissed his forehead.

"Can we stay like this forever (y/n)?"

"For as long as we can"

"I love you Draco Malfoy"

"I love you too (y/n) Malfoy"

Being married to Draco Malfoy brings a sort of adventure into life for sure. We cuddle like this a lot, and we both absolutely love it.

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