Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (unedited)


But as he coming near she can see that only the eye, hair and that thin lips are same. He is now looking very muscular. Tall, lean and Muscular. Even his arm is bulging. His right arm resting on a sling. His jet black hair is still the same. The 3 piece grey Armani suits looks nice,.. not nice awesome on him. The nerdy softie is nowhere.

As he walks, she can see he is smiling and his left hand is messing with his hair with a smirk on his face. Wow, this man walks in with a powerful aura.

The once lanky softie is now so different. This new man spells HOT.

" Hi Sofi," he balls his fist and put it in front of his lips.

" Please don't call me softie" he laugh and his eyes sparkles with amusement.

Yeah, she should't call him Softie as this men in front of her in in his business mood and attire

Her eyebrow furrowed. Her lips trembles. Her minds started questioning the reality.

Even my family is not here. How is softie, who i last met 8 years ago be here?. How even the nurse refer him as my fiancé?. A lot of question on her mind.

"How did you know I am here?" she asked in a hushed voice. She look at him with wide eye.

She can see that he is at loss of word and he is loosening his grey tie. Maybe he is shocked at her question.

When he finally able to answer her, he asked whether she remember what type or color of the car that her car crashed into.

"The black Audi car is mine. Your car crashes into mine. But your car is a total loss"

She is shocked.

Oh my. How do I pay for his damages? My Honda. My baby.

"How much is the cost to repair the damages of your Audi?" she asked. Stammering. She is fidgeting on the bed. Unsure of the amount, the cost of repair.

"It's okay Sofi, But if you insist of paying it, I will ask for something once you're discharged" he said playfully. He winked at her. Soft chuckles coming out from his mouth.

"Something?, what something?" .her fingers on her cheek, nose crinkled and brows furrowed.

"I am not telling you now, surprise maybe" he ended with a wink.

An air of uneasiness in the room. She tries not to look into his eyes.

"I can see the hijab is nice on you, do you want me to buy another one to change?" his fingers showing the hijab. Ahh, I didn't notice it earlier

Hijab?. Ohh, maybe the nurse put it on me. Did he buy this for me?. Yeah. Looks like it because he asked about it.

She smiles sheepishly

"Actually there is a bag in the car, you don't need to buy any new hijab" she smirks

He then walks opening the cupboard beside the bed and takes out few items. Her black handbag and blue duffle bag.

"These are the only thing that we found in the car, if there is anything missing, please tell me. We can file a report". He said while showing the item that he manage to take out from the car.

He doesn't want me to call him softie. Yeah, he doesn't look like one now. He looks like a hunk, a fine specimen. She laugh at her own thought.

"Why are you laughing" his left hand is now on his waist. His eyebrow furrowed.

"You asked me not to call you Softie, yeah you look like a hot man now. Shall I call you Hottie?" she talks in between soft chuckle.

He looks at her wide eyed.

The room boomed with laughter at her comment. Hers and his.

Sameer and Loius who is outside the room give each other a questioning look. Their boss never laughs as hard as what they are hearing now.

Emraan hands on his stomach. His eye watery. He is trying to stop laughing.

"Sofi, you always come with ridiculous name. Please call me Emraan or Em"

She wants to ask him a question about the fiancé status.

"Hmm Em, Why the nurse calls you as my fiancé?

The question caught him off guard. The color on his face drained. Pale.

His hand now is rubbing his forehead. He clears his throat

"You have an engagement ring on your finger. So.. they made the assumption and I just act as it is"

He was waiting for her reaction. She was not angry. But she might not like the situation.

"You should clear that you know "She looks at him with the corner of her eye.

Suddenly silence fills up the room. Both of them trying not to look at each other. Awkward. She was playing with her fingers and her ring.

"hmm, Sofi, if you can tell me, who is your fiancé?

Her face turns pale.

"Adhan, the school bully if you remember him"

The room fell silent. It seems like he wants to ask more question but the sound of his phone breaks the silence.

Huh. Saved by the ring.

He mouthed bye and wave her signaling that he is going back.

Now she is left alone in the room.

Suddenly a man comes in. He is wearing a Uniform in green colour. Hazel eyes and brown hair. Might be older than Emraan. He looks more intimidating than Emraan.

"Hi madam. My name is Sameer. I am Mr. Emraan bodyguard. Mr Emraan asked me to pass to you this phone. You can use it."

With that he dashed out. The phone, Samsung Galaxy is now in her hand.

When she browsed the contact that is 3 names in there. Emraan, Sameer and Rayhan.

Rayhan, Emraan's brother.

I will message Emraan . Maybe thank him for the phone. He shouldn't gift her phone. But, right now she really needs one. Maybe later, I'll pay him the cost of this phone.

From: sofi

To: Emraan

Thank you for the phone. Hopefully the bill is under my name. I will pay the cost later

She send the message.

Her phone beeps

From: Emraan

It's okay sofi. Currently it is under my name. We can change it once you out of the hospital. Don't worry about the cost. Take it as reunion gift.

Reunion gift? Funny guy.

Better call mum now before she calls Adhan. She really wants to stay away from Adhan as long as she can. She dialed her mother phone and waited. Mum picked up the call at the third ring

Funny, mum looks calm even her tone is calm. Ahh, the hospital has informed her. She manage to persuade her mother not to call Adhan. When her mum asked the reason. She just say that she doesn't want to disturb him. Luckily mum understand and also that she hasn't yet call Adhan. Lucky me.

Finally alone in the room.

Beep. Her phone chimes.

Message from her mother confirming the flight detail. She will come directly to the hospital and leave home on the same day.

Suddenly she feels so tired. Sleep didn't come easy. But finally she drifted to not so peaceful sleep.

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