Chapter 55

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Chapter 55 (Unedited)

The morning sunlight beamed through the white blinds, casting thin golden stripes across her room. Sofi lay on the bed on her stomach while her body sprawled all over the bed. Slowly she flutters her eyes open and shut it back as the bright sun blinded her sight temporarily. Groaning loudly, she stretched her body awake and turned her body to the other side unaware of the little show she giving to Emraan.

Slowly she opens her eyes and smiles to herself. Pushing herself up, she rested her back on the bed headboard. Then her drooping eyes opens wide when she heard Emraan greet her, "Good morning, sleepyhead"

So last night was not a dream?

Silently, she walks towards the cupboard with her half sleeping form. Her jaw dropped on the floor when her gaze falls on the now emptied cupboard. Her hand searched inside the cupboard, looking for her missing clothes.

The cupboard was full last night.

Hastily, she jogged towards the bed, bending down searching for her luggage. She slapped her forehead when she couldn't find her clothes or her luggage.

"Where has all the clothes gone?" she asked grumpily.

"Packed in the bag and right now in the trunk of the car" Emraan answered dryly while reading the newspaper.

"What?" Sofi shrieked. "Who packed my clothes and why?" Sofi voice screeched, her hand hooked on her waist.

"I did" Emraan replied. Putting down the newspaper, he paced towards Sofi closing the gap between them. "Because, you are coming with me now" He stressed every word. His eyes stared deeply into hers.

Sofi mouth opens to argue but Emraan words stops her, "My dear wild cat, do not argue.. or I'll just carry you over my shoulder like a barbaric man" his eyes pierced into hers meanly.

Sofi gulped, "but I need to work today," she stammered.

Emraan laugh bitterly and shakes his head, amused. "Check the time my little cupcake"

Sofi eyes darted upwards to the clock on the wall. She gasped looking at clock showing its already ten a.m. Her hand runs through her hair, scratching her non-itchy head thinking of a way out. Her face brightens as she found the excuse that seems so right, "Hmmph, I have to give Beth my resignation letter or she will not give my pay"

Emraan nods his head, "Good excuse" his lips pursed into a thin line. "You see" he paused. "I woke up early today, packed up all your things" his finger makes a full circle. "Then, I went to your working place, informing Beth that I'm your missing husband and told her that yesterday was your last day."

"Beth believes you?" Sofi asked blinking her eyes.

Emraan shakes his head. He grabbed her hand and head towards the bed, pushes her down so that she sits on the bed and he kneeled down on the floor. "She didn't, but your dearest friend Alana confirmed with her that I'm indeed you husband. So finally she has to let you go but I gave her some money as compensation and Belinda promised me that she will try to get another worker for her."

Sofi shoulder slumped with her hand covers her head, defeated. She no longer has any reason or excuse to argue or to disagree with Emraan. "Okay, but I don't have any clothes now as you pack all" Sofi brow arched.

Emraan walks around the bed to the other side, his hand picks up two shopping bag, "I got you these yesterday, get ready and we are leaving in ten minutes"

"You can't boss me around you know" Sofi yelled.

Emraan grinned, "Oh! I can.. as your husband"

Groaning loudly, she makes a beeline to the bathroom. "Can you wait outside as I get ready, please? Sofi said stressing the word please.

"Okay" Emraan paused, looking at his watch. "I'll give you only twenty minutes to get ready... after that I will just barge in"

Sofi went inside the bathroom while Emraan walks out of the unit. His step came to a halt at a door opposite sofi's unit, knocking it. After the third knock, Sameer came out wearing his green uniform. "I need my bag to change, these was my clothes from yesterday".

Sameer nodded his head and walks down. He came back ten minutes later with black duffel back. "Go guard Sofi's room while I change myself" Emraan gave his order to Sameer.

Sameer has been living in this unit since the day located her here. The only reason being, Emraan too scared that Sofi will run again. Walking inside the house he took out a black stone washed jeans and a cream button down short sleeve t-shirt. He bought the same clothes for her with a cream color scarf and a black leather jacket that matches his too.

This morning he woke up early, with Sofi head snuggled to his neck and her hand on his chest. Her leg placed on top of his. She mumbled something sweet in her sleep. Seems like the nightmare has left her. hopefully for good. Waking up beside her like that feels so good, filled his heart warm feeling.

Slowly, he gets out of the bed not wanting to wake her up. She needs to be like this, sleeping for his plan to work. First, he ordered Sameer to go back to his hotel and pack his thing before checking out on his behalf. While Sameer is away, he packed her thing inside the large luggage. It took him about half an hour to pack all her things. He left out her make-up bag and a lacy red bra with a matching pantie for her to change later. Next, he walks to Beth's Place and inform her about Sofi resignation which took about another thirty minutes as it's quite hard to convince that woman he is Sofi's husband. Finally, he went back to the unit where sofi is still sleeping with her body sprawled all over the bed with the two shopping bag which Sameer pass to him on his way up.

When he finally ready, he carried the black jacket on his shoulder and head out to Sofi's unit.

She was combing her hair when he entered the unit. Her eyes rolled up when she saw the matching outfit that they are wearing. She mumbled something that is inaudible to his ear.

"You look beautiful my sweet cupcake" He compliments her. His hand wrapped around her waist and he planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Leave me Em, I need to wear this scarf," she said blushing.

"I will, .....but get used to this and ....more after this" he stated, brushing his lips against hers.



sorry for the delay. i got busy with my part time job and also my kids appointment with the hospital.

this chapter is for all my lovely reader and these few people who moves me and make me write:

jeffychilly - for voting and adding this story to your reading list

lenorastewart730 and user97166486 for being for loyal supporter



jessica6254 for voting and adding this book to your reading list

it means a lot to me guys, so keep on voting and tell me how do you like this chapter.

bye fr now. take care and love u all

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