Chapter 73

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Chapter 73 (unedited)

Don't ask me how long I have been here. I missed the sunlight peeking thru the window spalshing its glorious orange light on my face. It's almost bare in this room, nothing to see or guess what day or what time of the day is.

It's frustrating. More than that I'm terrified for my life. Adhan mood is like a switch, you can't really know what can turned it on or off.

I still remember that day that seem just like yesterday when he almost chocked me to death. The world on the background faded away as the life in me sucked out bit by bit.

I was coughing as his grip tightened around my neck as seconds passed by. His eyes widened and his hand falls on the side as the cough got worst. His hand pulling on his hair as he paced the kitchen.

Slumping down on the floor, my breath jagged and shallow as he released his grip on my neck. Adhan stood in front of me with a look that is hard to decipher. He is battling with his inner demon as he talks to himself.

"What have you done?"

"She deserved it"

"No, I loves her"

"She asked for it"

His face changed from regret to anger in seconds. It frightened me to the core as he keeps on talking, more like talking to the person inside him.

Slowly, my breath normalized as i curled my body down on the floor.

Squatting down, Adhan fingers caressed my cheek. His touch sends shivers down to my spine, as my body trembled with fear. I can't show him the discomfort I felt by his touch. He might flip again and this time, my body might rest beside that lifeless body.

Survival, that instinct licked in right now. It might be wrong but at the moment I will do anything just to stay alive.

"I'm sorry princess, I didn't mean to scare you" worries contorted in his face as his gaze falls on me. The shade that I saw in his eyes, was genuine. I'm baffled. How can a person changed so fast, almost like a snap of a finger.

He then picked me up, walked inside the room, and puts me down on the bed. He smiled at me. The old Adhan that I knew, that I thought dead; i can see the shadow on him.

"Adhan, you need help,"

He was once my friend and my fiancé before he became this monster. I can connect with him. He is broken inside like I was.

"No help, I need you.. just sleep" he responded.

There is no anger or feeling in his voice. Flat and emotionless, cold as ice. Locking the door behind him, he walked out of the room.

Loud crashes resounded from outside the room. After a while, i can hear his voice rambling, cursing. Then I heard a clicking sound and the door yanked opened.

His chest puffed in and out as his breath ragged. My eyes flew wide as he saunters over and positioned himself beside me, taking his clothes off before resting his head on the pillow. He then closes his eyes.

"I told you to sleep right?"

Nodding my head, I inched away from him. Turning my body facing the other side, i closed my eyes. Suddenly i felt something cold touched my feet. Sitting up i saw him, chaining my left feet to the bed post.

"Adhan, please don't do this, it hurts" I pleaded

"You will run away," he responded. He haven't lock the chain yet. This might be my chance to gain his trust.

"No, I promised, on you" my finger caressed his hand.

His face lit up, almost delighted. "Okay, but if you run-"

"The furthest i run is the toilet, believe me," i cut him in.

He looked into my eyes, before finally taking off the chain from my ankle. Sighinv a releof breath, i smiled to him. He dozed off immediately as his head rested on the pillow.

As for me, i haven't closed my eyes since yesterday. How could i? How could you sleep beside your enemy?

At the moment, I'm all alone in this house as he went outside buying some groceries. He locked me inside the room before going out. Taking this opportunity, I checked the room, looking for something, a clue maybe or something that can help he out of this hell hole.

I was checking the cupboard when my hand touches something, like a bag. I know its not mine as Adhan threw mine on the ground when he took me away. This might belong to Mikayla.

I remembered her name while trying to sleep last night. She is the only female friend of Adhan that i know.

Grabbing the bag out from the cupboard, i emptied the content on the floor. A lipstick, powder then, a phone.

Ray of hope, that what i called the phone now. Picking up the phone from the floor, I touch the screen. Black, nothing came out. Frustrated, i throw the phone bouncing on the bed. Just my luck, found a damn phone that is turned off.

Cradling my face with my hand, i let out a groan. The ray of hope that I saw, now just gone with the wind direct onto the drain.

Dont give up. Try.

Yes, just try to turn it on and see my luck, just pray that luck is on my side.

Saying my prayer, i took the phone back, turning it on. First phase, good. Now second phase, the password. Grrr! Not password, it's a pattern that she have to unlock this phone. Hundreds of possibility.

Are you giving up?

NO! I' not. This might be the answer of my prayers.

First, i draw a zig zag line.


Second, a line making a letter Z.

Wrong again.

Ok think Sofi.. Think.

I keep on knocking the phone on my temple, looking for answer.

Okay, let try this.. letter M.

It worked. It really worked.

The phone dings and a bright light illuminates with a welcome ringtone.

Good. Now call Emraan.

Trembling, I punched his number. The line keeps on ringing.

Please answer Em... its me..


"Em.. its me.. sofi"

The line silent.. only his breath sounded.

"Sofi. Is it you?"

"Yes" tears rolled on my cheek. I missed him so much.

"Where are you? Are you okay? How can you get that woman phone?"

"Listen Em.. im okay.. ," my voice cracked.

"shh.. i'll come .. just tell me.."

" I dont know where i am... but please come.. he is so dangerous"


"He killed Mikayla..and he is going to kill me anytime soon"

I can hear Emraan gasped on the other side.

"This house belongs to her.. and one thing.. i can hear train horn.. but not so near, just find me.. please,"

"i –"

"Honey, i,m home"

Hurriedly I ended the call, shoved the phone inside the bag together with its content, and put it back where I found it.

As fast as i could.. i ran towards the bathroom, turning the shower on.


sorry dearies.. i found out that i have updated the wrong chapter... so here goes the right one.

sorry again

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