Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 (unedited)

Opening her eyes, Sofi groaned and stared the blank ceiling. Pulling herself up, she landed her head on the bed headboard. Her head pounding away like a hammer hitting a nail. The throbbing headache worsens.

Climbing down her bed, she saunters towards the bathroom. While taking her bath, the memory of yesterday night swims back to her memory.

Emran is here. That is the fact. It is like you have fallen from the stair then suddenly the stair gave way and falls on you. The situation got worsens in just in a blink of eye. Right now, she is regretting her decision agreeing to Ahmad invitation.

The headache seems to get better after the shower, but she still takes the pill to ease the pain. Wearing Beth's Café uniform, she walks towards the door. Unlocking the door behind her, she can't let go a feeling that is tugging her heart. Someone is watching her. Looking around, she finds no one.

She jogged to the café, catching her breath before opening the door. Checking her time, she knows that she is late by 5 minutes today. She mouthed sorry to Beth who is standing behind the register.

'I've made you a coffee, thinking that you will come early. Tell me the juicy details later," Beth said winking her eyes.

Sofi rolled her eyes up. There are no juicy details only explosion, she thought to herself while making a beeline towards the kitchen. Emraan image came to her mind when she was having her coffee. Waving the image away, she made a mental note to herself. Emraan is here, in Sydney but she can't let him destroy whatever she is having for the past two months.

She tries to lift up her mood by humming to the song that is coming out from the radio. Looking back to her image on the mirror on the wall, she motivates herself

You can do it.

The morning crowd today seems to be a bit less normal, maybe because it's already middle of the month. Today her job is to take the order and serve the meal. The other girl, Ruth took her leave today. The bell sound at the front door signals her that there is a customer that needs her attention. She trotted to the front, greeting the morning customer. The bells chime again, and this time it is her usual customer, the charming Ahmad with a couple behind him, which is obscure to her.

Taking a deep breath, she walks to Ahmad who is sitting at his favorite table. Sitting opposite him, bith their back facing her is the couple she saw earlier. "Good Morning Ahmad, can I take your order?" she greeted Ahmad first before glancing at the couple seated opposite him.

"What-," her eyes widened at the man and the girl beside him with her arm looped with his. Her well-manicured fingers rested on his upper arm.

Emraan chuckled softly. His part 1 of the plan seems to work. The murderous way Sofi look at the girl beside him proves something. The girl is actually his cousin, Belinda. Belinda agreed to act along to help him. The plan formed yesterday and lucky him Belinda is staying here and currently is in town.

Belinda clears her throat. When it didn't seem to work, she snapped her finger at Sofi. Her body seems to respond to Belinda's finger snapping.

"Can we get our order or you will just stand as a statue there?" Belinda asked brazenly.

Sofi who is just seem to gain her composure smiles weakly.

"Can I get your order madam? Sir?" Sofi asked with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

He bet he could hear her huffing and puffing while taking their order. He is enjoying this actually. Serves her as a punishment for leaving and lying to him.

Ahmad look at him suspiciously, "She never behaves like that with other customer,..seriously mate, you don't know her?"

Emraan shakes his head hiding his smile while doing so.

"Hey, what if all four of us go out for dinner today?, what say you?" Ahmad threw a question.

Emraan didn't hear the question as he was busy looking back trying to get a glimpse of Sofi

"Huh! What" he asked while rubbing the spot where Belinda pinched him.

"Seriously Emraan," Belinda waved her hand in the air in disbelief.


Sofi groaned loudly in the kitchen letting out the steam in her head. The chef in the kitchen gave her a confused look. None of them has seen her like this. Cursing slowly under her breath, she glared into Lily, the staff who prepares Coffee.

"Is there any poison you can mix in the coffee, lily," she mumbled.

"Huh?" Lily stumped. She blinked her eyes few times. "Did you say poison?" Lily asked Sofi with the coffee in her hand.

"Nah, nothing" Sofi faked a laugh, her hand waving in the air.

Picking up the order, she puts the food and drinks on the tray. She peeked outside, her eyes focused on the table where currently Emraan is sitting. She can hear their laugh especially the woman. Her hand never leaves Emraan's. It is as if their hands glued together.

Wish I could find something to break it apart.

Why are you feeling so bad, you left him right?

Dismissing the thought in her head, he walked to them. Gingerly, she puts the plates of food and three cup of coffee under the watchful eyes of Emraan. She felt his eyes watch her every moves intently. She turned heel back towards the kitchen only to stop by Ahmad calling out her name.

"Sofi, would you like to join us tonight for a dinner under the star?"

"No Ahmad,"Sofi denied politely.

Standing up from his seat, Ahmad jogged the small distance between them. His hand grabbed her upper arm from the back.

"Hey, it will be fun and believe me.. its not a date. Just...mmm.. night out with friends" Ahmad said with a slight twinkle of hope in his eyes.

"Please Ahmad, no" Sofi refused gaining a pout from Ahmad.

From the corner of her eyes, she can see Emraan kissed the other woman on the cheek and he whispered something to her ear. He must be whispering something funny as the woman later giggled. Sofi gasped as her eyes saw the woman's fingers smacked Emraan shoulder playfully.

"Ok,"Sofi trailed her fingers along Ahmad arm. "What time are you picking me up?"

"At eight, here" Ahmad stated winking his eyes.

Sofi slapped her forehead as she makes her way back to the kitchen. She made the decision out of pure jealousy and right now, she is mentally cursing herself.

You are playing with fire Sofi.



dear lovely reader, thank you for giving this story a chance

likewise, i would like to dedicate this chapter to these lovely people:





for adding this story in your library

lastly to catheriene... your work is good and just be brave and keep writing...hopefully your day will get better.

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