Chapter 78

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It’s been a month since Sofi discharged from the hospital. The wound on her body is healing. Scar marred her face but according to the doctor, the scar will disappear in a month or two.

Neither Sofi nor Emraan discuss about he sorrow buried deep in their heart.

Emraan tries to bury his sorrow in the piles of files on his table while Sofi, she buries in in her silence.

Emraan sighed as he rubbed his temple. The contract in his hand need to be finalized in two weeks time.

This new hotel he is planning to build in Indonesia, should be named after his first born.
Now, the situation has changed and the feeling too. The contract felt so heavy in his hand now as the weight of his sorrow added in.

Loosening his tie, he stands up and marched toward the window at the far end of his office.
Looking down, the hustle bustle of city life greeted him. The people walking seem so small, just like ants marching left and right.

His hand on his neck, easing the stress building up in his nerve. Half of his mind decides to scrape the Indonesia hotel contract but the other half, the business half decides against it.

Back at home, Sofi was seating at the couch watching her favourite drama series. The main character in the drama reminded so much of her own self.

The stabbing pain in her heart was so bad that she felt that the air have been sucked out of her life.

Rose is staring at her from the kitchen. Looking at her, willowing herself in her own sorrow is  hurtful thing to watch.

The ringing sound of her phone startled Sofi.

“Yes, Ana,” Sofi answered the call.

“Are you crying again?” Ana asked her.

Sofi shakes her head, “No, this drama is so sad,”

she lied while her hand wiping away her tears.
“How long are you going to be like this?. Hiding away in your house?.” Ana chided.

“Just leave me Ana...” Sofi squeezed her eyes shut.

She know all to well that she is just hiding away from the pitiful stare that people are giving to her. Even the doctor already told her that she is healthy enough to conceive again.

Emraan is being considerate enough, giving her time and space for her to recover.

One thing that is separating them is the memory of Adhan Trying to force himself on her.

His touch and his voice is still there even she knows that Adhan is gone for good.

“you need to breathe fresh air and .. yes... you are my maid of honour.. let me remind you”

“I cant Ana.. the scar on my face.. people stare and you know,”

“Then I’ll marry when you are ready, Ethan has to wait... hell everyone has to wait”

Sofi sighed.

“Just think of him Sofi, he lost his first child too.. not just you,”

“It’s hard Ana.. i tried.. believe me... when his hand touches mine, it brings the memory back,”

Ana quiet on the other side. It is true, we are sleeping together but it is like two stranger sharing the same bed.

“He is no more Sofi.. please don’t dwell in the past.. please..” Ana hangs the phone after few seconds of silence.

She is feeling bad. Everyone is taking care of her like a fragile porcelain. The look in their eyes is the same as the day she got discharged, pity.

Emraaan is different, his eyes held no emotion to it, void. They haven’t really sit down and talked since that day. She wishes to, but how? And what to talk about?.

She blames herself and Emraan is no difference. He felt that it is all his mistake. He should protect her more.

She tried once, but nothing came out of her lip. Nothing. Just a small whimper.

Maybe she needs help, they need help. Ana might be right, she need to go out.

It passed dinner time when Emraan walks in the house. He gave Sofi a weak smile and a small peck on her cheek.

“Have you taken your dinner,?” he asked while loosening his tie. His eyes closed shut as he slumped himself on the couch.

Sofi, who is leaning on the living room threshold, paced the short distance between the door and the couch.

Her eyes scanned her husband face. Creases formed on his forehead as he rubbed his temple.

His looked up as Sofi massages his stiff shoulder. Smiling, he covers her hands with his.

“lets have dinner together” she looked down on Emraan.

Since that day, they are like two strangers staying under one roof. They talks when needed. Even they are husband and wife who are sharing the same bed, they just sleep, no touching, no snuggling, no hugging.
Emraan blinked his eyes. They rarely eat together. He purposely come home late, so he wont see the sadness in his wife eyes.

He nodded.

Flashing another smile, he grabbed her hand in his. They walked hand in hand without uttering anything towards the kitchen.

As he sits down on the chair, Sofi puts in rice and chicken into the plate and passed it to Emraan before plating the same for herself.

They dig into the food quietly. No other sound than the spoon and fork clashing with the plate.

She was washing the dishes when Emraan wrapped his hand around Sofi waist.

“I am sorry for coming home late, tomorrow i will try to come back early, so we can have dinner together”

Sofi puts down the plate slowly. Her lower lip trembling. “ it’s okay.. its my .. we...” Sofi bite her lower lip trying to hold her crying.

Emraan hands on her waist tightens. He rested his head on her shoulder.

Sofi chest tightens as she feels the lump on her throat. She blinks the tears away.

Through the window, she can see flashes of thunder outside. Rain is coming, she thought.

“We.. you.. me.. we changed after that day,.. you .. lost in your work and me.. lost in the silence of this wall” Sofi turns herself, hiding herself into Emraan chest.

Emraan looks up on the ceiling as he fight his own tears. He gulped. “I’m scared that.. when i talk to you, you will run away again or.. say that you are unlucky,.. I’m too scared,” he kissed Sofi hair.

“I cant see the sadness in your eyes,” he lift Sofi chin. His gaze met with Sofi glassy eyes.

“I’m not strong enough.. I don’t want you to fall back into your past as you was... it was hard for me to bring you out-,” Sofi hand covers his mouth as tears flows down her cheek.

“I wont go back the same path.. I have you.. nothing else matters”  She hold Emraan  hand in hers.

She shakes her head, “we lost our baby, we both lost.. not just me or you, but.. we choose to dwell in it.. in our way.. hoping that..” Sofi paused.

The sound of rains drops pelting the window caught Sofi attention.

The water on the window panel is like her tears, running on her cheek wetting her husband, Emraan shirt.

Clutching the sides of Emraan shirt tightly, she feels that the drops of rain pouring outside is like a mirror of her own heart.

She has been holding it too long, hiding it away in her silence and sorrow. The tiny rain drop seeps through her soul, baring it open to the world outside.

Tonight, she just want to let the rains and thunder inside her out, so that the sorrow will be out open.

At first it was just small whimper, then sobs before she wails out, crying her heart content out.

The weight of their sorrow was heavy as they stand and then falls on the floor together. It was only both of them, comforting each other, offering words of support and love to each other.
Sorry for the delay guys, i have some important work to finish and not feeling well lately

There will be one or two more chapter before im finally closing this story

The two character has grown on me s much...  hope that u love them as much i do

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