Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 (unedited)

"Wow! Mum" Aireen jump excitedly while looking around Sofi's new house.

Overall, the house is like something coming out of a design magazine, the house is enormous, surrounded by lush landscape on one of KL's exclusive residence area. It has a gazebo by the garden, water fountain and fish pond near the entrance and a big garage. Inside, there is a pool. Yes, indoor pool, secluded and safe from prying eyes.

There are seven rooms and eight bathrooms. Every room painted in different color and different setting. There are two rooms which have built in closet. Thick velvety carpet decked out whole room. Hardwood floor for the hallway.

An image of Sofi vacuuming the room played in her mind. A small giggle came out of her soft lip.

Even the smallest room which located downstairs makes my living room looks like peanut, small.

Who is going to stay here? Aireen wondered.

Suddenly mum laughing. Scrunching her nose, she walks towards the sound. It came from the kitchen. Mum head tilts back, brow arched. Her hand on her mouth, trying to suppressed her laugh, sputtering like an old water faucet.

Looking at the kitchen Aireen knows why mum laughed. The kitchen adorned with the latest kitchen gadget. It is a modern kitchen. Sofi never cooks!. Both of them laugh their heart out.

Suddenly Rayhan walks in. He looks casual look today with black round neck t shirt paired with a cream khaki. He puts his finger on his mouth signaling us to quiet. We are supposed to be a surprise for Sofi. She shouldn't know that we are here.

Footstep nearing the front door and Sofi's voice can be heard. We hid behind the kitchen counter while Rayhan hid behind the curtains. So stupid, his foot is visible. This guy is not good at hide and seeks. Grr! He will blow our surprise.

With a crack, the door open and Sofi comes in with Emraan trotting behind her. The red dress makes Sofi look radiant. Sofi's eyes opened wide taking her surrounding, her jaw drop causing her lip to form a small 'o'. Sofi wraps her fingers around Emraan's upper arm.

Aww, Emraan looks back at her adoringly. Gentle smile plastered his face. He looks happy today, weirdly happy as he doesn't smile. The Red t-shirt and white anchor chinos make him look more like a model than a businessman. Hopefully Sofi is happy with him. Aireen talks to herself

Emraan puts a finger on his head, when Sofi walks away from him. His fingers showing 3, 2, 1

Okay, she signals her mother, 3, 2, 1 mimicking Emraan's finger

The three of them jumps out from hiding simultaneously.

"Sofi, we are here" they screamed their heart out, top of their voice. Almost three of them later cough also. The screaming really dried their throat.

Sofi jumped. Her eyes looks like popping out of the socket, her brow arched almost round and jaw dropped and out came a shriek from her. Emraan hugged Sofi from back, causing her to jerk a little. He laughed hard together with all of us. Furiously, Sofi smack her husband arm few times and lastly she cupped her face with her hands. Her body shakes with laughter too.

Slowly, one by one, starting with Rayhan, we high five Emraan signaling that the plan succeeded. Mum is the last person to high five Emraan and she hugged him, a tight hug, bear like. Mum whispered something to Emraan and he nods respectfully.

What did she whisper? Don't be busy body Aireen, she smacked her head gaining a questioning glare from Rayhan. She shrugged her shoulder and shakes her head, mouthing nothing.

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