2. Crazy

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"What? Hahahaha are you trying to make me laugh? Cause I tell you, you didn't fail me though!" He was laughing and my face turned sour. Didn't like his reaction. "I'm serious! I'm not making you laugh," I said but he keeps laughing at me. I wonder why he couldn't believe me tho. "Dahyun, we have just meet. I know you find me handsome but it doesn't mean you have to play around," he said in a serious tone "but I'm not playing around! I'm serious! I'd like you eversince. Why is it so hard for you to believe?" I exclaimed but he smiled making me forget why we argue just now.

"You looked young. I know your age has a lot list of crushes. You look kind and it's not possible for you to find someone like you're age. I know girls of your age likes and dislikes," I raise a brow and pouted my lips. I cross my arms and look at him "You don't know what my likes and dislikes. And can you name a girl who is obsessed with that list of crushes?" I was hurting. I didn't know that this is my heartbreak. First heartbreak.

"Can we go inside first before we talk about this?" He said

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"Can we go inside first before we talk about this?" He said. I pouted again and I feel a heavy in my chest. "Dahyun sit here," he offered me a chair beside him that I instantly accepted. This is why I am crazy to this guy. "Dahyun, you're adorable. I like you as a child and you're now a sister to me," when he said the word sister I felt sad and sulken. "But I like you," his eyes widened because of my confession and my tears fall down making him panic "D-don't cry! Darn! What I've just done!?" He cursed softly and my shoulders we're already shaking cause I now cry hard.

He patted my head trying to comfort me and wiped my tears that makes me calm. I didn't know that he is capable of calming me or am I this insanely obsessed with him? "I'm sorry baby, I just... darn," he cursed softly again and shifted my chair near to him. I just realise that I stopped crying and we're now this close. I can't help but smile.

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