6. Chocolates

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"Annyeong! Are you Kim Dahyun?" A sudden voice of a girl I heard. I nodded and even pointed myself asking her if she was pertaining to me. She smiled with a nod and give me a package. I gave her a questioning look. "It's a package for you. He said you should accept it as his gratitude gift," I frowned. "Who's He?" I asked. She smiled again "It's confidential but he said if you want to see him just contact this number," she said handing me a card. I accepted it and look at the card that had his adress and number.

I nodded at the girl as she slowly make her way go. I stared at the package. The box was wrapped in plastic wrapper. I sit in the chair and just when I was about to open it, Chaeyoung came and with her was Momo. Momo is her causin and they barely saw each other so when Momo visits here Chaeyoung will always beside Momo and forgets me. Haha but they're family anyway.

The girls give me a knowing look. I smiled at them hesitantly and I sense them that they will tease me. But I made a face and they pouted. "Who give you that--wow! Chocolates!" And Chaeyoung was about to grab one but I slapped her hand. "Aw! You have a lot of it you parched!" Chaeyoung said and pouts. I was thankful that Momo never love Chocolates. "Meomchwo Chaeng. You look fat because you eat a lot," Momo said scolding Chaeyoung.

"But I want to eat one!" Chaeyoung exclaimed but she give up and sat far from me. I laugh at her childisness and she madea face. Momo and I both laugh at her.

We make conversations but I noticed Chaeyoung tried avoiding me so I sighed. This girl is really a pain. She gets what she wants. I give her a chocolate and she gasp in excitement when I give her one. And she finally talk to me. "Kamsa unnie-yah! I'm just waiting for you to give me one," she giggled as she started to unwrap the chocolate. Me and Momo both shook our head because of her childishness.

After 1 hour being with them the ywo decided to go back to their house cause Momo's parents arrived from Japan. Chaeyoung was sad causeshe guess it's her causin's last day if stay here. I'm sure I'll miss Momo too causeshe's been a friend to me. They leave after they bida goodbye.

I remember the calling card so I start typing my phone.

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I just want to thank someone who give chocolate to me and also to meet him personally. I had forgotten when I saw him and because the girl earlier give me his calling card so I will just text him.

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