21. Plan

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"What's your plan now? How are we going to separate the two of them? I trusted your plans before but they're failed!" She shouted as we watched Dahyun and Jungkook laughing together like they're contented now. I can't stand like this doing nothing. I must do something that will ruin them again. I don't want them to be happy. I want them to suffer. They don't deserve to be happy.

"Don't worry cuz. I will use all my connections to ruin them again. You just have to trust me. You know how we're so obsessed on ruining a person's life right? And of course I need your cooperation. No help , no hapiness!" I beamed as I applaud to myself. I feel so light by thinking on ruining their lives. Right. They don't deserve to be happy. I hate them even more for being happy.

"I just realise now. The person's we both liked never like us back. I hate this so called one sided love. This is frustrating me! Ugh. But right now , all I want is to ruin their relationship and I will make sure that they will never be that happy again..." I saw her balled a fist. I just laugh at her and when she turned to look at me , she look at me sharply. I surpress a laugh.

"Don't be childish Wol. Focus," I reminded her. I knew Wol. What she wants , she really gets and we have similarities if talking about that. But I can be more worst than her. "Whatever Jim! You know me. I don't just really sit waiting for a miracle to happen. I want action. And I'm excited to show it to the both of them. And I thought of a plan..." she smirk evilly and I look at her curiosly. She must have a better plan.


Dahyun was blushing the whole time as she tell Chaeyoung about her and Jungkook. Dahyun confirmed her relationship with Jungkook. They are officially now as a couple and telling one of her friends about it making her blush. She was never like this to other people who are close to her. But being with Chaeyoung , she never felt any hesitations confessing to her the things happened in her life. She almost share her secrets to Chaeyoung.

"Waaah! Mah friend I'm sooo happy for you!!! Gaaah!" Chaeyoung was screaming in happiness. She's really happy for her friend. Before , Dahyun tells her countlessly about how she feels about Jungkook and her friend was always blank. But now! She reached her dream boy. Her special someone that completes her eventhough sometimes they will expect more things will happened.

"You're over acting. I just hope that our relationship will turned out well," she said in a hopeful voice. She trust Jungkook's words. And she won't do something that could ruin them. She will be open to him and is he so they won't have a hard time understanding each other. Cause 'Trust' is important especially for the couples. And as Dahyun thought about that makes her blush.

"Kyah! Are you thinking something?" Chaeyoung chuckled as she started teasing Dahyun and tickles her. Dahyun tried to stop Chaeyoung. The both of them laugh when someone clears their throat.

"Dahyun..." a familiar voice said.

Dahyun looked at him and smiled.



Okay. I'll try to update tomorrow. A lot of grammatical errors in this story. Tell me your thoughts about this chapter. Kamsahamnida!

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