12. Talk

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"Why is the pretty lady sulking here?" I heard a soft voice from a girl and I knew who it was. "Chaeyoungiie," I said like her name was the most boring name I ever said. "I will not ask if you're doing fine cause I know you're not," she took the opposite chair and faced me. "Momo was here but her another friend called her, supposedly she was about to come here with me and eventually she will bring her friend with us." Chaeyoung casually said.

I haven't told her about what happened between me and the person I was crazy about. And I believe that it has nothing to do with someone else so I just shut my mouth.

We talked to divert our attention even tho people inside the ice cream parlor wasn't talking or is it just me that I think it's weird. It's unusual to see people not talking.

"This place is weird," I blurted. Chaeyoung who is now busy licking her ice cream lifted her head and look at me, frowning.

"What?" She asked. I shrug and shook my head. Maybe I was just overthinking. "There won't be class starting tomorrow so does it mean will go travelling? You know I've been looking forward for us to take vacation only for us. I mean with other girl friends," she said out of nowhere while licking her ice cream. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry but tomorrow is my brother's birthday. I was about to invite you," I said and licked my ice cream "Oh wow!" Was her reaction sticking her tongue out as she licked the side of her lips. "I haven't meet your brother cause you said he's studying abroad and now that he's home can you introduce him to me?" Her eyes glittered in hope. I laugh at her making her pout and I threw her a tissue.

"Why are you laughing?" Her cheeks turned red which was so adorable. "Nothing. I just find you so adorable," I smiled meaningfully to her and she backfired me a teasing look. I frowned at her. "What is it Chaeng?" She pouted her lips and pointed something using her lips. She was pointing something behind me. I stiffened. And I was a having a second thought if I should look behind but I did.

"Jungkook..." I muttered when our eyes meet. He was staring at me and never react. I don't know what to do but I feel awkward and so immediately I turned my back at him. I think I'm sick cause I felt my cheeks burning.

"Did something happened?" Chaeyoung curiously asked. I abruptly shook my head and give her a nervous smile but she wasn't convince. She leaned closer and whispered.

"I think you two should talk..." she encourage and smile at me. I took a deep breath and also smiled back at her.


This update sucks. I'm sorry. And I'm not sure if this fanfic is good. Bye-bye.

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