10. Assumption

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"What are you saying? Do you really mean it?" I said in disbelief. When I am speechless, this were the first words will come out to my mouth. I wanted to ask him about Wol but I don't want meddling about them. It's just that Wol used to be my friend before and that was when I didn't know her real intentions to me.

"Don't even think about it," I said when I realize that I expected anything else. Well, maybe. I wasn't ashamed about my feelings cause I would always tell my friends about what's on my mind. Sometimes I get awkward talking about it but I am honest especially about my feelings. I don't want to waste my time so maybe this will be the last time I'll bother him and ask.

"Do you realize now that you also feel the same?" I nervously asked. Nothing's gonna change if I backed out avoiding this but this is the right time to talk about it. I heard him taking a deep breath. Like he doesn't want to discuss and just close this. But I am more worried to myself and this time, I'll be brave to whatever he'll said.

"I don't really like you," I expected this. "I'm sorry if I drag you in this trouble. It's just that I am concerned to you. I've known you for a long time. I just pretend that I didn't recognize you and also I respect your brother. I'm sorry," It was like a slap to my face. Is assumption a bad thing? Cause I guess it was.

"I understand. You're friendship with my brother is important. I'm sorry too If I expect in return," I smiled bitterly. I touch my cheek and run as fast as I could. I heard him calling me but at that time, I was deaf. I lost my concerned about my love for him. Like even it was a heartbreak, I still feel at ease. At least.

Now I know that nothing is gonna expect in return. He was just worried to me cause I am my brother's sister. He is my brother's bestfriend. Maybe this will be for the best. I don't want to complicate things and now that I got the closure, I promise to myself that I will not assume.

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