22. Final Chapter

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"I like you Dahyun," Jimin said but I sense something strange. How can he say those without even feeling shy or maybe he was just like this. He's so straight forward. I don't know how we got in this conversation but he just bring this up and even told me that he likes me! But I doubt him.

"Jimin don't you think it's too fast? I mean we just meet two weeks ago right? And also I don't like you..." There. I said it. I don't understand but I feel something is strange with him. The way he talks to me , he gazes me like he will do something I won't like. he's creepy.

His face suddenly became blank and he looked at me sharply. I stepped back. I want to run away from him but my knees turned numb and I felt something stuck in my throat. I can't compose a words to say.

"Why are you afraid? I didn't even start my plan yet." He smirk evilly and abruptly hold the both of my wrist. I tensed in nervousness and I was about to shout , screaming for a help but there's no voice. I can't think straight cause Jimin started walking , forcing me to come with him.

We were in a abandoned building's parking lot. I didn't know how we got here cause my head is starting to create any scenarios. My head throbbed painfully and I started to have an anxiety attack but I released a loud breath to calm my self.

But I forget how to breath when I saw Wol , coming on our way. My mouth gape open as I watch her getting closer to where I was. Jimin hold me tightly and my tears started falling from my eyes.

"What do you want from me Wol!? I let you ruin my life before but I won't let you hurt me!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Wol smiled sweetly like this is her obsession. She's obsessed on ruining someone's life. I sensed her cruelness.

"You took Jungkook from me! He's mine! There's no way that you can have him! If I can't have him you can't have him too!" She growled in anger and then she started laughing like she's insane. I shook my head while looking at her in fear.

"What are you gonna do?" I screamed when she suddenly lift my hair and grab them forcefully. I heard her and Jimin laugh crazily.

"Help me!" I chanted countlessly and trying to escape from them but whenever I do that I end up screaming cause they grab my hair making me cursed in pain.

"There's no one gonna hear your screams Dahyun... just scream! You're free to scream until you ran out of breath!" The both of them laugh crazily in unison.

I can't control my emotions so I cried harder and I cannot even give them a glare. I just look down to my feet as I tried to hold back my sob. I don't want them to be satisfied just because they saw me crying.

"Please let me go. I need to go back..." I muttered eventhough I doubted that they would listen to me. I heard Wol tsked and lifted my head , using her bare hands , her nails are digging in my face. I surpressed a groan.

"I won't let you be happy Dahyun. I will do everything just to have what I wanted even it means that I have to kill someone too," Wol said in a serious voice. I shook my head. Disagreeing her.

"You are crazy Wol! I can't believe Jungkook keeps you!" She slapped my face and she was about to slap me again when I heard a familiar voice.

"Dahyun!" I saw Jungkook , holding his phone and run near me but Jimin blocked him and punched his face.

"Jimin! Don't punch him you bastard!" Wol suddenly screamed. Jimin stop throwing a punch on Jungkook's face and look at Jungkook before turning to Wol and his eyes landed to me.

"I made everything clear to you Wol! You don't have to do this. Please we can talk peacefully! You don't need to hurt her!" Jungkook made a growl sound and I lost conciousness afterwards.


This is the final chapter of this story. I'm sorry for the angst but don't worry guys I will post the special chapter. Thank you for reading this 'til the end! Saranghae!

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