7. Idiot

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"Gwaenchan-a oppa?" Wol asked. Wol is my current girlfriend. "Why are you grumpy?" She asked and lean her head on my shoulders. I don't know why I felt this way cause I saw Dahyun with a boy I don't know who was. I have a girlfriend yet I feel betrayed and disappointed? Maybe. "Why are you looking at them? Face me." Her voice was demanding but I ignore her and just stare at the two intently. Dahyun's eyes were shining like she seeing a heart while staring at the guy and the guy also did the same. They keep on staring at each other like an idiot.

I have lost my appetite while watching them so I removed Wol's hand clinging. She looked at me irratatedly. I give hear a blank look and without thinking I went to Dahyun's table and interrupt them. I heard Wol's angry voice calling me but I ignored her. "jal jinaess-eoyo?" The guy asked and I saw Dahyun's face blushed. I suddenly have the urge to punch the guy for making her blush but I stopped myself.

"Dahyun-a," I called and Dahyun abruptly stands up and bow at me. Her face was obviously surprised and she laughed nervously "a-annyeong Jungkook-a," I give her an arch look and she look at me hesitantly but I sharpened my look on her. She cleared her throat and the guy laughed.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Not minding the other people's stares I directly asked Dahyun. The guy amusely looked at us and at that moment I want to punch his face for suppressing a laugh but I don't wanna create a scene or maybe I just did.

"A-ani," she stuttered but I tasked.

I don't care if I'm acting like this. I thought she likes me? Why is she dating another guy? Did she forget her confession of love to me? She even asked me to be her boyfriend and I was right cause she will just trip me like how others play with me.

"Are you her boyfriend?" The guy asked and I could see his smile widens. If Dahyun wasn't there I would have punched the guy's face. I don't have the guts to do it in front of her. Especially when Dahyun's around.

"No" I replied glaring at him. The guy laugh heartily. I knitted my brows.

"I-its not like that Jungkook-a. H-hes my distant relative," Dahyun said.

It took minutes for me before it sink in my mind. I widen my eyes in realization.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

She's My Girlfriend {ᴊ.ᴊᴋ x ᴋ.ᴅʜ} ✔Where stories live. Discover now