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+special chapter #1+



"You should eat a lot. You're so skinny and I hate skinny girls," Chaeyoung said using her motherly voice. I rolled my eyes but I smiled at her simple gesture. I passed out earlier and I suddenly rushed to the infirmary. Then Chaeyoung who were with me , she was the one who brought me here. And I should have known that not eating breakfast could be the result that now I am stuck here.

"Yeah omma," I teased her and she glared at me. I know she hates it when I called her omma or baby. I just like to tease her cause I like her expression every time she give me that look.

She handed me the spoon and I was about to eat the food she brought , when she abruptly held the spoon back and motioned me to open my mouth. I obeyed and she put the spoon on my mouth with a food. I eat strongly in front of her , she laughed.

"Eat properly," she scolded but I didn't listen.

I grabbed my phone from her bag then a photo appeared making me smile like a fool. Chaeyoung noticed my weird behavior but she didn't ask.


"Tufo! Hi~" Momo rush to hug me and smiling widely to me. She made a cute sound making the person beside her laugh and I figure out that it was Tzuyu. They've been friends for long than us.

"How are you? I'm sorry I didn't visit the last time you called. You know my parents were uptight to us especially to their children," she explained and eyed me worriedly. I  understand her. Her parents are strict but they are nice persons.

"Don't think about it anyway the reason I call you guys is that... I want to tell you something," I said as my voice quiver. They pay attention when they sense something. I cleared my throat and give them a shy smile.

"J-Jungkook and I we—" and before I could finished talking Chaeyoung loudly interrupted and her eyes enlarged as she stared at me with awe.

"You broke up?! Wae? Are you nuts? I know you too well Dahyun. The immature side always showed and I'm not surprised if you two at this situation again. You make it complicated for the two of you!" She said as if she knows something.

I shook my head laughing a bit. This friend of mine is just blabbing. Her blabbermouth always put us to a cool situation. In fact she's the ice breaker. She mentioned that I'm immature but she's childish.

"Silly! Not that. I was just going to tell you that we're going on a date overseas!" I said trying to hide my smile. I smiled shyly and the three were in awe like they are thinking something. Advance thinkers.

"Does that mean you two? I mean only the two of you?" Momo asked. I nodded shyly.

"Dependent Dahyun. Don't you think you're clingy for him? I will not be surprise if one day Jungkook breaks up with you because of your dependency towards him," Chaeyoung commented. I think she hits her head multiple times in this day. She can't stop herself for talking nonsense.

"Chaeyoung is high so don't listen to her Dahyun," Tzuyu said. I just notice how quite she were awhile ago. She smiled genuinely.

"Jungkook is sweet. I can see that he really loves you. The way he look at you, it's like you're going to melt in his stares. So I doubt he could break up with you easily," Momo said in a cheering voice. I wasn't offended in Chaeyoung's statement. Actually I'm glad that my friend cared for me. That's enough comfort.

"Just don't spread your legs yet," Chaeyoung said out of nowhere. She was in daze and I flushed at what she'd just said! Gaaah!

"Chaeyoung!" The three of us yelled in unison.


I'm sorry for the grammatical errors. And the flow of the story, I know I'm lack of expressing and that makes me so bad.

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