11. Lie

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"if it's not the right time for us in this lifetime I will wait no matter how it takes,"

A coward like me have no right to recall that memory. I shouldn't think of her when I told her a lie. I am a fool but she is my weakness. I couldn't say what I wanted to say. I just thought that this might be temporary and also I made a promise to his brother. That was ages ago. I know how he loves her dearly. He even threatened me and said that even I'm his friend, he can sweep me away just to protect his sister. That he would always choose her over me. I'm just one of people he knew anyway.

Now I watch her from a far. It was 4 days ago since we saw each other. That was the last time that I promise to myself to get away from her. It's tempting sometimes breaking promises but everytime I think of that I remember her brother.

What should I do?

When the first time I laid my eyes on her, she was only 14 when she caught my attention. I told her brother that I will court her but he stopped me. He said she was too young and it will never been good since I am his bestfriend. He has a good reason about it but I still like her.

1 year ago, I meet her ex-friend, Wol. Honestly I never like her. But when I heard the conversation between her and her friends, I was so angry. I want to hurt her but I don't want to make complications about it.

When she started flirting with me, I flirted back. She even has the guts to tell her stories about her ex-friend. She was so proud to herself that she make Dahyun a fool. I didn't react to everything she told me. She told me a lie about her. She doesn't know about a thing to Dahyun and how dare her judge my girl? Dahyun is better than Wol.

I know I lied too. I used Wol cause I want revenge for Dahyun. But I will do everything just to protect her and I realise that I loved her. I love Dahyun more than myself.

I sighed after I took a glimpse of smiling Dahyun with her friends. She's now fine I guess. While me the vulnerable. Now I'm hurt eventhough I was the one who caused. I caused myself a very fool decision.

She's My Girlfriend {ᴊ.ᴊᴋ x ᴋ.ᴅʜ} ✔Where stories live. Discover now