4. Ice cream shop

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"What are your plans for today?" Chaeyoung asked after exited from the classroom "I don't know. Maybe I will just go home. My parents often scolded me," I shrug my shoulders and walks fasters than Chaeyoung but she grabbed my arms with force and links her arms with me. "It's early, we will go to ice cream shop, I'll just treat you," before I could say no to her she already dragged me with her and because she's stronger than me I just followed her. "Did you mean the guy you has a crush with for a long time?" Because I was force to tell her about him, I ended up telling her. I know Chaeyoung so maybe I can trust her. "But he sisterzoned me," I said feeling so sad.

She stopped licking her ice cream. Her expression were like she was about to laugh at me but I immediately glared at her making her clears her throat. "You're crazy, Dahyun. Why would you asked him to be your boyfriend? He doesn't even know you..." She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I know alright! I just can't stop myself when he's around. You know I've been secretly stalking him when I found out he's my brother's friend. The moment he came to our house, I promised myself that he's going to be mine," I said. I saw Chaeyoung's jaw dropped to what I said. She was shock "Hahahahaha Damn girl!" I hit her head and she pouted and glare at me. "Tsk..." She tsked.

A moment of silence filled inside the shop when she nudge my shoulder softly and she was whispering something "he's here!" And in cue, I tilted my head and I swear my blood rushed to my cheek. My cheeks heated up remembering our encounters. But my mind suddenly went blank when I saw him with a girl. He was holding her like he was protecting her. I envy that girl cause they are very close that Jungkook almost hug that girl. The girl was very pretty and her features were familiar. I saw them smiling happily while Jungkook leads her the way, still hugging each other. My smile faded and I noticed Chaeyoung in my peripheral vision so I smiled bitterly at her.

"Do you w-want us to g-go?" Chaeyoung said in a worry tone. She was stuttering like she felt what I felt. I shook my head and mouthed to her that 'I'm okay' but she didn't listen cause she held my hand and was about to drag me outside but I insists making us to disturbed the other customers including Jungkook's and that girl's attention. We made a very disturbing sound and I abruptly get her hands off me. We we're so embarass that Chaeyoung embarrassingly seated back to her chair but a familiar voice almost make me faint.

"Dahyun-a," Chaeyoung and I looked at each other.

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