3. Big guy

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How can I resist this cute girl in front of me? I just made her cry and I panicked cause I don't want her to get hurt. And I'm a jerk cause I just make her cry. I wanted to curse to myself but I don't want her to hear my curses. "Sorry about earlier. I shouldn't told you that way," I said "you don't have to say sorry. It's my fault cause I forced myself to you and it wasn't right cause you said the truth about it," she said in a sad tone. I forced a smile. I'm willingly and tell her that I'm liking her also. But she's young and it wasn't right. "Can I call you a big guy?" She suddenly asked.

I saw her eyes glistened with unknown emotions. I held my breath and tried to stop myself from touching her face. What? I've just meet her like 30 minutes ago and suddenly I liked her. She's so darn cute that I'm stopping myself for even touching her face. Or I was scared that I might break a precious thing. "Can I?" Her eyes were pleading. I have to control myself or else I might do something forbidden that will give her false hope.

"Okay." I nodded and she smiled. I was surprised that she hugs me and her hug tightened around me. I don't know that I wasn't breathing anymore. This is a tease. I couldn't do things I wanted to do to her. "Are you fine now?" I was absentminded when I asked her that. When she gets off me she turned to me and smile very widely. She puts her hands on her face and shook it. I amusely stared at her and I suddenly have the urge of kissing her. Wait... no. She's only a child. I shouldn't feeling this way.

"How old are you?" Of course I know how old she is. I just want to hear it from her "I'm 16," and I swallowed very hard. Darn. I can't deny that I'm attracted to this 16-year-old and she's still a child! "How about you?" But before I could answer her she answered immediately that make me raise a brow "You're 21 years old!" She beamed and laughed but seconds later her smile was slowly fading and her eyes widen. Adorable. "How do you know?" I can't hide the amusement in my tone "W-well, I've known you a long time ago," she said softly but enough for me to hear.

She was embarrassed and her white skin turned red. "So you liked me a long time ago?" And before I realize it, I flirted her back. Darn. "You don't have to stalk me now. You can now call me a big guy. Your BIG GUY," I said and her face turned very red in embarrassment.

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