15. In Love

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I thought she liked me? Why is she with someone else? Why is she with that boy? Are they together now? I watched how they shared their laughs to each other. They were not that close to each other but my blood boils whenever I caught that boy staring at her with amazement in his eyes. I look at them sharply eventhough they can't see me, standing far from them. Watching them from afar.

I felt my chest tightened when that boy hold her hand and I saw how she flinched on that boy's action. He took advantage of her. I want to block his way and threw a punch at him but it'll make things worst and Dahyun will get upset after all the things I've done to her.

I calmed myself when Dahyun released her hands from him. I smiled in triumphant. How dare that boy holding her hand? He shouldn't lay a finger even the strands of her hair. But the next thing surprises me. He kisses her in the cheek!

I swear if he did more than that I will kill him! But before I could even take a step forward to walk on their way , a mocking voice from behind stopped me.

"Oh , stalking her. When are you going to stop? You see, things get more worsened and here you are stalking her like a sick bastard. How are you now?" She smiled at me sarcastically. I look at her coldly "Don't start with me Wol. I have no time on playing words with you," I replied coldly.

"But why are you talking to me? By any chance... are you still in love with me? Why do you care? You realize now that I'm perfect for you? You know, we're so inlove with each other before but when that girl confessed to you, you started ignoring me as if I have diseases until you forget about me..." she said sadly but her tone doesn't change. She laugh mockingly.

"If you need me, I will always be here for you. Don't hesitate to call me. I'm one call away... byebye!" Then she left. I look at her dumbfoundedly.

Truth to be told, I was never inlove with her. Never. I liked her at first but I instantly dislike her cause I can't like her. I just really can't. I planned to court her but it doesn't mean that I will fall for her. She hurted the most precious to me and I won't let her do that to Dahyun again.

I will kill if that's fucking needed.

Cause I will do anything for her.


This sucks. I'm like TT 😂
Next will be Dahyun's POV.
Abangan nyo guyseu~

Kamsaranghae~! Mwa 😄

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