13. Jimin

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"Hey chocolate girl!" A guy suddenly neared me the moment our eyes met. He's familiar and I think I saw him already, "Do I know you?" I said in a questioning voce. Usually when a stranger talked to me, I didn't pay attention to them. I even heard some of them calls me a snob cause I didn't talk to them. Well, I wasn't born to please anyone. This is me. Kim Dahyun.

"But you're familiar tho," I said as I trying to recall if I ever saw him. "I'm Jimin," He smiles and he was so cute cause his chinky eyes get chinkier. "You were that person?" If I remembered it correctly, we already saw each other the last time. "I was waiting for you to contact me and I want to see you personally," I stare at him stupidly. I tried avoiding him to look away but he's cute eye smile got me. He's just so cute!

"I am personally thanking you for helping me in that situation. If it wasn't your help I would have getting beat up because that ahjuma's accusation. I am rare in that shop but I was never a thief. I swear I never stole and you know stealing is bad and I have anything so I can buy---" I realize now that I didn't follow what he said. I was mesmerize the way he talks and his lips moved like it meant to be look that way. I can't look away and I just want to look at him.

"So thank you very much," when I heard his voice with finality, I just woke up from my reverie. "H-huh?" I embarrassingly look at him. I look down a bit hoping that he didn't notice how shame I felt when I look at him that way. I shouldn't day dreaming while a person talking to me seriously. He was thanking me and I should respond to him properly.

"Uh-I-I... it's okay. It's nothing. I feel bad cause people instantly believe even they don't have proof or they accusing someone although he/she innocent. If others see that situation they would help," I said. I felt my cheeks turned red. I think I'm attractive to him. Who wouldn't? He smiles like life for him is easier. Everyone like to smile but I think he's smile can melt someone cause that is what I feel right now. I want to melt and I suddenly forget my problems. All I just think was him, smiling.

"So? Would you like to come with me?" He asked in a shy voice. He touch his nape and smiled shyly to me. He's so adorable. "I just want to invite you for a dinner. Actually, it's also my way for thanking you." I instantly refused but he won't take no for an answer.

"I told you Mister, this is no biggies. I'd like to help without exchange in return," I refused again but this time his reply making me stopped from refusing.

"Well, if you don't mind... I-Id like to go out with you..." he said and I saw him blush. My eyes widened.


Sorry for the late update.

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