14. Classmates

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Our adviser was early today. We were so attentive to him while he spoke in front of us. I saw my other classmates were curious about our adviser's announcement. Some girls classmates giggling while muttering something. Some are sleeping, didn't care about their surroundings and Chaeyoung is sleepily look at our adviser. I shook my head while I nudge Chaeyoung that almost her head was about to fall in her chair. She sighed sleepily.

I was wondering why our adviser had to be this serious when months ago he didn't even pay attention to us. He didn't do his duty as our adviser. He just taught us the lessons we needed to learn and he's so stiff. I even thought he's a gay and I don't know why I think of him like that. He always gets angry and it was like his period everyday. Trying to shook the thoughts away, I looked at him seriously when he sighed deeply.

Like he always do when he's bored.

"So as what I said, it's been 5 months already since I became your adviser. I know some of you never liked me but as a teacher, it is my duty to make all students learn from this subject. I want my students to be independent. I don't want any of them thinking that their life will be dependent to others. That's why no one understands me cause you've think I'm aloof," he said.

I get his point. He didn't want us to learn lame jokes from typical teachers. He just want us to learn to be independent and to study his subject more.

"And also... you also heard about the transferee right?" When our adviser mentioned that girls almost squaled but when they looked at the adviser's poker face they shut up, suppressing their smiles. Girls...

"He's outside the classroom and I don't want him to stay long outside... Jimin!"

My eyes widened when he mentioned a name. A familiar guy get inside the classroom bowing his head as a sign of respect. He bowed first at Mr. Lee, our adviser then faced his classmates, us. When he faced us, he smile very widely that girls lost their control. They are now squealing, laughing, giggling and some are even have the guts to stand up for reaching him but Mr Lee's poker face stopped them.

"Okay. Introduced yourself," Mr Lee said in formal tone. He again, showed his breath taking smile and oh my! He look at me where I sitted!

"I'm Park Jimin from BigHit High! Annyeong everyone. I hope we can all be friends and please take care of me," he said in a cheerful voice and bow to us, 90 degrees.

"Okay class... you can start asking him questions..."

Then my classmates immediately raising their hands, hoping that Jimin would let them so they can ask questions.


I hope there are still reading this. Kamsaranghae~! Everyone ^^

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