8. Embarrassing

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I didn't know. This is so embarrassing. I acted like a jealous guy when in fact I shouldn't said that. Dahyun must think I'm impertinent. It is still my fault. I watch how her jaw drop after what I said and I immediately walk to their table and to recover from shame, I introduced myself to Dahyun's distant relative. I feel like the most foolish. Congratulations to me.

"I'm sorry for butting in. I was worried that you are somebody and courting her. I know her brother and she's like a sister to me. I just want her to be safe," I said although the sister part it was a lie. The truth is I was expecting that she will be true to her words. I remember the last time she said that "if it's not the right time for us in this lifetime I will wait no matter how it takes," and it was true that I am worried that somebody might caught her attention.

"Don't worry. I'm not just a somebody," the guy smile smugly like he reads my mind. I swallowed very hard while looking at his face. Maybe he knew something. "Are you done interrupting us?" Dahyun said in a cold tone. I frowned at the sudden change of her mood, "I am really sorry for what I did. I was worr---" she cuts me of "You should be sorry. And don't worry I can handle myself. You're just a nobody anyway," she looked away and even her face is blank, I could see the hurt in her eyes. "I'm sorry---" and before I could finish my words a sudden bold move stopping me from saying it.

Wol was kissing me although it was only a smack, still it wasn't right especially people watching us. It took minutes for me before I realize that I was in front of Dahyun who is now frozen in her place while her jaw drop watching us. I swear I'm gonna push hard Wol from doing it but she move away immediately. Wol smiled.  "Oppa? Do you know them?" She smile very widely that her eyes twinkling. She was enjoying it while me couldn't even look at Dahyun's face.

"I should go now Oppa. Thanks for the invitation. You are always welcome on our house," Dahyun give him a small smile before she leave. I was about to follow her when Wol angrily grabbed my hands and grip them. "Why are you following her? I am your girlfriend and you. You should stay here with me. Not with her. Nor other girls," she said emphasizing every words she said. She possessively held my hands and grip it very tightly that her face turned sour and disgust. I was careless. I angrily snapping her.

"Let's break up," I said in finality and I immediately walk outside and follow Dahyun.

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