5. That girl

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"Dahyun-a," Chaeyoung and I looked at each other.

I stirred for seconds and if I didn't notice Chaeyoung beside me I will not be able to move since I gawk at the sight to the two people in front of me. I breathed slowly trying to calm myself before I give them a smile. A very rare smile. "A-annyeong," I awkwardly waved at them and I nudge Chaeyoung to wave at them too. She was rattled though and so am I. I tried to composed myself but the girl is too sweet to Jungkook that I couldn't find a words to say. They were so sweet in front of me so I clears my throat.

"H-how are you?" I stuttered and I swear that time that I want to vanish or swallowed by the ground. The sight of them is making my eyes sore and before I could do something terrible I heard Jungkook replied "I'm good. We just drop here and it's a coincidence to see you here...with your?" He asked and glance at Chaeyoung who suddenly fell silent. I replied to him quickly, "She's my friend. Chaeyoung," I said introducing Chaeyoung and I slyly glance at the girl who is clinging on Jungkook's arms. That girl.

I tried to hide my irritation as I smiled fakely at them. "Speaking of a friend... meet Yeona," Jungkook said introducing the girl to us. The girl seems nice. I just can't accept that she's this close to him. "Hi! You must be Dahyun! I've heard so much about you," the girl beamed and look at Jungkook meaningfully.

I examined the girl's face

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I examined the girl's face. She was so pretty that I looked at her with admiration. She such a goddess! But I don't want them to get the idea that I liked this girl. Chaeyoung might freak out if I told her that I admired this pretty girl.

"I'm his cousin," the girl suddenly said. Her laughs filled in the shop. Jungkook was smiling so widely like he just won tricking us. And I secretly smiled in triumphant. But just a sly smile cause Chaeyoung looked at me in relief but her eyes were teasing me. I will just hit this girl but I don't want them to see me like that. Not especially when Jungkook around.

I heard Chaeyoung mutter something but I was occupied as I look at Jungkook like he's the only person I see. I saw Nancy in my peripheral vision glance at Jungkook and again give him a knowing stare. We were silent that moment. No one dared to talk and I just like the view. What a sight to be hold. I heard Nancy chuckles that make me wake up from dreaming.

"So you like my cousin huh?"

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