16. Masochist

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"I came here to tell you that me and Jungkook get back together. Aren't you going to congratulate us?" She smiled like she enjoys teasing me. I just look at her with my emotionless face. I don't care about her neither Jungkook but telling this to me in face to face it angers me. But it doesn't mean that I am affected.

"So? I don't care. If you're trying to offend me , suit yourself. You know your place neither myself. I won't let you destroy me again," I said back to her. She shrug and smile genuinely. I know when I calls it a genuine smile it was her fake smile.

"I wasn't. Did you see? Or do you feel something that I may destroy you? I moved on. Not like you pretending as if you're fine. What a masochist," I balled my hands in to fist and look at her sharply. But I know better. I should calm myself. I breath in and out. Calming myself. And then give her a tight yet wide smile.

"Have a great day Wol," Instead of getting mad at her , I left. I don't want to cause more complications. I'm not a kid anymore so I know what's wrong and right. And the right thing to do is to avoid with the trouble makers. I smiled at the thought. How can I smile like this when I know I'm not okay? Is it because I freed myself?

"Oppa!" I hurriedly went to oppa's side and give him a very tight hug. I missed him so much! And it's been years since I last saw him. And I understand if he barely went home. He have responsiblities and many things to take care of. But even he's busy , I know he tried to make time for us to visit.

"jal jinaess-eoyo?" (How are you?)

"nan gwaenchanh-a. How are you , Dongsaeng? The last time I saw you were so small," (I'm fine) he laugh at the last words he said.

"Savage oppa..." I muttered. He just laugh and hug me again.

"Are you gonna stay here for long? Oppa... spend time with us. We miss you so much," I give him a puppy eyes and pouts. He messed my hair and laugh. I don't know but sometimes Oppa just laugh at me like I have something on my face. But I always knew that he made fun of me.

"Can we talk about it over dinner? We have a guest," He said like he almost forgot that he have someone in our house. I nodded abruptly as he turned his head to call his visitor and let them in.

And I never thought that the guy I didn't expected anymore came in , welcoming himself with his ever warming smile.

"Jungkook..." I mumbles.


Sorry for the late update. A lot of grammatical errors in this story. Vote and comments are highly appreciated. Thank you.

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