9. Friend

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I can't take it anymore. I won't tolerate this kind of situation. I knew that girl eversince. And all she did was to make my life miserable and even taking someone I love. She's desperate that she have to take someone who doesn't want her. I know. Jungkook doesn't like her. Wol is playing on us.

She was my friend. The things got complicated when I found out that she was just using me. She used me because of a bet. A bet about me, to be her friend so I will tell her my secrets but I never tell anyone. Although I thought her intentions were nice but months passed she get persestint to know my secrets. I was confused why she was so curious to me.

So I confronted her. She confessed that her intention was to lie to me and even told me that she doesn't see me a friend. She sees me as her enemy and competent. She hates me. And I asked her why she wants to know my secrets when there's nothing special about me. And besides it was so personal that I don't let anyone to know including my friends.

Suddenly, somebody from behind grip my arms. I tried to slip away but it was so tight and he forcely grab me and make me face him. My eyes widened as I saw how his expression changed. I gulped the way he stare at me and he still holds my arms. He's long fingers trailed until he touch my hand and entwined them. I couldn't move and my chest felt so tight that it's beat so fast.

"W-what are you doing?" I softly asked. He didn't respond cause he was examining my face like he wants to see something.

"What are you looking a-at?" I stuttered and laugh nervously.

"You need something? I-I have to g-go. Please let go of me," my voice shakes and a tears formed in my eyes.

I don't know. I don't care anymore. I feel like I just have to cry this feeling. This very deep unknown feeling that I had felt eversince. I didn't understand until now. Although I made him clear about what I've felt for him. I'm desperate alright? It's easy for them to say something easy cause they're not in my situation.

"I think you need to let my hand go. It's not your fault if I feel this way. I know I'm just nothing to you. But you have to let me go," I said sobbing. I can't control the emotions I'd been keeping for since they were together. Desperate like me doesn't deserve the love I wanted.

He caressed my cheek and held my chin so I will look at him. I tried to look away but he hold it firmly.

"Don't think of other things. There are still important to think of aside ours," he smiled and to my suprise, he hug me very tightly.

She's My Girlfriend {ᴊ.ᴊᴋ x ᴋ.ᴅʜ} ✔Where stories live. Discover now