17. Red

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She look at me blankly and I stared back at her. I know she's upset in me. I can't blame her though. I lied to her countlessly. I stared at her , didn't mind her brother's presence. I know her brother doesn't want me for his sister but how can I stop adoring her? I've been adoring her eversince she was a kid and I feel bad about it. I feel bad cause I think I might betray her brother. He knew me as a jerk.

Dahyun looked away and I noticed that her cheeks is turning red! I make her blush.

I tried to suppress a smile but I slipped and smiled at her very widely which makes her gasp and her eyes roaming around , panicking

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I tried to suppress a smile but I slipped and smiled at her very widely which makes her gasp and her eyes roaming around , panicking. Her brother interjected , he perhaps sense that awkward situation. I didn't feel awkward though. Maybe Dahyun. She's shy... and cute...

"Y-you're with..." Dahyun with her small shaking voice. She was trembling. It even surprised her that she uttered a word or maybe...

"Do you remember him? He's always coming here before. I guess you're not familiar with him. You were always in your room..." he's brother said in a casual voice and her face was very red. I got worried. Did she have allergies? If you look at her face right now you would think that she have allergies attack. Her face doesn't look normal. It was so red.

"Why is your face red? Do you eat something you didn't like?" Her brother was about to reach for her but she quickly slipped from him and immediately climb the stairs maybe she will go to her room.

"Aish. That kid," her brother , Shin Seo , muttered. I look at the stares where Dahyun went and sigh.

"Dahyun. Can we talk?" She quickly look away but I blocked her way. After eating our dinner , we were talking a bit. I didn't know how I survive eating with them. I mean Dahyun was silent. Her brother tried to join her in the conversation but she just reply with a simple words or nod her head.

"About what? I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry. I have to meet some friends. I couldn't talk to you right now. Excuse me," she said politely and was about to go but I didn't let her. And what I did suprises her. I hug her really tight. I don't care if someone sees us.


This is so sucks. Do you want me to continue this story?

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