No show

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The next day, neither Jasper or Edward showed up. I thought it was kinda weird but maybe they just got sick.

We were allowed out of school during our breaks so at fist break I decided I would buy him flowers and some food to make vegetable soup for him in the food tech classroom. Quickly, I ran back to school and started mixing the vegetables together and making the bread to go with it.

First, I started with boiling some water and adding chopped tomatoes to it. Then after a few more vegetables and a bit more boiling the food was done. The container I poured it in was clear and big enough to put the whole lot in. By the time I was done, the bell had just rung so I decided to carry it around with me until lunch then I would give it to Alice.

Lunch came around sooner then I thought it would and when I saw Alice at her table with Rosalie and Emmett.
"Hey Alice I made Jasper some soup so he could get better," I explained.
They all looked at me Rosalie with an agitated look, Emmett with an ordinary look and Alice with a smile.
"I'm sure he will love it," she told me, "We all heard you stick up for Jasper yesterday and I'm pretty sure Jessica wouldn't want you sitting on her table sit with us!"

Rosalie looked at Alice as if to say "why did you do that?"
That lunch I couldn't stop worrying about Jasper. It was way to soon the say that I liked him but I was definitely curious about where the future would take us. Then an other thought came into my head. Why did he run of the day before? What did Rosalie say to him to upset him so much? Really I was tempted to ask her but I managed to resist the erg of it.

Before I knew it school was finished with. Quietly, Bella drove home. I didn't say a word.

Jaspers pov

Alice came home with flowers and soup made by (y/n). Edward was out on the mountain just thinking to himself . When I was finally alone, I started at the gift (y/n) had bought for me. A bouquet of roses.

"They're beautiful aren't they?" I looked around to see Alice standing at the doorway, "And your gonna repay her by doing what Rosalie said and ignore (y/n)."
Disappointment was in her voice as she tried to talk me out of it. Rosalie was right though.... to keep both my family and (y/n) safe it was just better of for me to stay away.

(Y/n) PoV

Bella realised a change in my behaviour. How I wasn't talking to her all the way home and she asked what was wrong with me.

"I'm just worried about Jasper..." I answered in a slow voice.
After that, the rest of the night just seemed to be quiet.

The rest of the week was the same. Only two Cullen's and one Hale every day for the rest of the week. Maybe he was just really ill but still I cared for him and just wanted him to get better. The awkward lunch table if me, Alice, Rosalie and Emmett as we all sat in silence only me eating. Still it was better then sitting on the table with Jessica. Her big mouth would only end with her in hospital if she couldn't keep it closed.

On Friday, we had the announcement for the drama we were going to perform. Unfortunately, the one I voted for didn't get chosen but the storyline of this one was still good. It was about two ordinary people who get chosen to go to this private school where celebrities send their children. At first, they start out hating each other but by the end they are all they need to live with.

That day was also the day the main roles were chosen. I was voted as the main girl Abbie and an other boy Leo was chosen as the main boy Harper. Most of the girls were really jealous as Leo was one of the guys everyone liked. With his green eyes and light brown hair it was pretty hard to resist him.

Still though I already had my sights set on Jasper and hoped he wouldn't be jealous when he came back to school and found out the role wasn't his to have. Though it didn't stop me from wondering about Leo. After drama, Leo came next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. The weight of it was kinda heavy but not to heavy the I couldn't handle it. At the same time, I really wanted him to get of me.

His arm remained around my shoulder so I awkwardly just got on with it.
"Hey there's this new restaurant opening just outside of Forks if you wanna go I'll pay for dinner and bring you back safely," he offered.
It was food I wasn't gonna let that go as I agreed.

I started getting ready at about 6 o'clock. Keeping my hair down behind my back, putting on an elegant violet dress and finally slipping into my white high heels. By the time I was ready with my makeup and outfit Leo was waiting for me outside. Why did I put in so much effort though? Was it because the restaurant was super fancy or was there an other reason....

When we arrived I could hear classical music coming from inside. This was a piece I recognised from Bella. Though it did set the mood classic wasn't really my type.
"For you M'lady," he said pulling out a chair for me to sit on.
Lights were dim like some type of romance movie but still.... I couldn't get my mind of Jasper. As the waitress bought our food to the table, I noticed Leo gazing into my eyes. The smell of the food was what made him look away. French dinners were one of my most favourite meals and luckily this was a French restaurant.

I came home at about 9:30pm that night and before walking away she kissed the back of my hand. Flustered I walked into a house that was going to soon be full of questions from both Charlie and Bella. What happened? Who was he? Where did we go? It took an hour to get them to shut up. Still I didn't really think of Leo in that way, the main reason for going was to try and get my mind of Jasper which I only managed to succeed doing slightly.

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