New school new me

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(Y/N) PoV

Mum had just got a new boyfriend and was constantly moving around which was a bit of a headache for me and my sister (who was older then me by a year). Both me and Bella had decided to give Forks a go. As much as we detested the cold, gloomy weather it was time for a change and so it was goodbye Arizona hello Forks.

Dad was waiting to bring us to our new home from the airport. As expected, it was wet and dull and definitely a change of scenery. This was the type of place where instead of splashing in the ocean would walk across the beach. Apparently the house still looked fairly the same but I wouldn't know I was only 3 when I last visited Forks.

As Bella and I started to unpack a bit we heard dad talking downstairs so me being the noisy person I am I had to see what was going on. Bella followed behind.
"Hey (Y/N)! Bella! Your remember Billy Black and Jacob right?" He sorta introduced.
Slowly I shook my head.
"Charlie has been going if like a broken record since he found out you girls were going to visit him," Billy playfully teased.
"Stop exaggerating or your gonna find ourself at the bottom of this hill," Dad teased back.
I left them to tease each other and went to talk to Bella and Jacob.

"Oooo Bella we can ride to school together and I won't have to take the bus!" I cheered.
We all climbed into the truck that dad had bought for us and Jacob had fixed.
"So mean why did you make her walk?" Jacob teased her in a flirty sorta way.
They seemed to be some what flirty with each other and I started to feel like the third wheel so awkwardly I got out of the truck and went to my room to unpack some more.

A few days later, it was the first day of school and I was really lost.
"Where is drama?" I asked myself starring at my schedule holding my books in my arms. Suddenly, I accidentally bumped into someone and fell on the floor. It was a guy, I could tell from how his hand looked when he helped me up. Only then when I was up I was able to see his face. So beautiful! And his hair was blond and curly reaching his shoulders. As I started into his hazel eyes, my heart wouldn't stop beating.
"Are you alright ma'am?" He asked with a small accent.
I answered him with a stutter.
"Y... yes!"

Coincidently, we had the same class.
"I'm Jasper by the way," he introduced with a warm smile.
"(Y/N)!" I answered.
The lesson wasn't much of a practical. All we had to do was read some different storylines for a play we were going to perform in. One of them was about a vampire, human version of Romeo and Juliet. Both Jasper and I agreed to voting for that storyline. We would find out next lesson what vote won.

The bell soon rang for next lesson.
"What do you have next?" Jasper asked.
I checked my schedule to see I had English. Peering over my shoulder Jasper realised that we had all our classes together. Exciting!

We made it to English just on time and Jasper motioned for me to sit with him and his friend. I introduced myself to her as well and we became soon became good friends. Her name was Alice. This lesson we were writing poetry and we had 5 topics to choose from. We could do all 5 but we at least had to do one.
1. Love
2. The weather
3. The time of day
4. Food
5. Am other country
I started writing almost straight away. Not even paying attention to Jasper and Alice's conversation and I know they knew this. When I was done I picked up my head from the desk.
"Can we hear your poem?" Jasper asked.
I nodded and began to read it out loud.

Many mysteries in life
Even things we think we know
Our mood may be low
But our heart stays up
Cause deep inside we're all in love
You don't know when you find the one
But when you have you'll feel free
Free to run
You could bond with the boy
You bumped into that day
And maybe love will be in the way
Cause his smile makes cheeks red
Thoughts just in over you head
Just keep in mind
Love doesn't die
It just fades away
But can always come back someday

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