Will you be my girlfriend?

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Y/ns PoV

When I went back to school everyone was asking me about how it went with Jasper. I told them how we waited for Emmett to come over and when he did I fell asleep on Jaspers lap.

I started to walk to music and then suddenly bumped into a large chest. It was Emmett. He was asking me about what happened the next day with Jasper as if he was looking for specific details. And then he suddenly started to tell me about his past.

"Jasper has had girlfriends before you I won't go into to much detail about Maria but Jasper and Alice once had a thing they dated for a year before realising they didn't feel like they were going out anymore they just felt like best friends and it's been like that ever since but... he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions towards you. Your the first human he's had feelings for since he was alive... during the civil war the only thing this time he's actually in love he never lashed out like that before but now..." Emmett explained.

It started to make more sense to why Jasper and Alice were so close and why people thought they were going out but something he said shocked me. Jasper was in love with me? I loved him to.

Lunch soon came and Jasper came over to my table to talk to me. His adopted siblings sat there watching him. All except Rosalie watched with an intrigued smiles.
"Y/n your so beautiful but not just that, your the sweetest girl I've ever met not to mention how strong you are physically and mentally, from the day I met you I knew how I felt about you and my feelings have only increased will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.
I cried yes and jumped into his arms hugging him tight and then kissing him on his smooth lips.

"Woah that was smooth man," Mike complimented.
"I know right if that was just asking you out imagine what your proposal will be like," Jessica agreed.
"I was hoping it would be under the moon at the top of the Eiffel Tower," Jasper hinted with a smile.
"Well I guess you wrote that note for nothing," Bella bought up.
"Bella!" I hissed embarrassed.
"What note?" He asked.
"She wrote you a note to post in you locker but since your official the promeposal isn't needed," she teased.

I kept quiet. She did this on purpose. Ugh oh well I guess it was the sisters job to tease. The Cullen's came over to us all except Rosalie.
"This is what I was getting you prepared for y/n," Emmett began.
"I'm so happy for you two!" Alice cheered.
"So I guess we're having a double prom date," Edward told us.
I was ready for prom and to spend it with Bella and Jasper and of course Bella's date. My heart was full of so much happiness I couldn't help but cry and laugh at the same time.

"Actually Bella, y/n we were going to play baseball this weekend if you wanna come as well," Alice invited.

Of course we accepted. Though I preferred soccer to baseball I knew it would still be fun. Bella on the other hand was terrible at sports.
I mean like seriously she met Mike literally by hitting him round the head with a ball. There was no point trying not to laugh so I just bursted.
"Bella? Play sport?" I laughed uncontrollably.

"Hey shush you, we'd love to," She shushed.
"At least it's not volleyball right Mike," I said still laughing.
The others started laughing with me even Bella. They knew exactly what I was referring to. It was amazing. By the end of lunch I had an amazing boyfriend and two upcoming dates. I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.

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