Edward proposes

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(y/n) pov

Finally, everything had gone back to normal and was forgotten. Well.... forgotten by me anyway. Since Bella had come back from Italy she had been grounded by Charlie on the other hand he was trying to get me to go out more and more as I had been unconscious for months. Most of my time was spent with Jasper and I couldn't be happier.

We sat on the grass in the woods just gazing into each others eyes. Gently, he placed one of his hands on my cheek and smiled.

"I don't understand you... I almost killed your sister and in a way almost killed you and still you can't resist being around me, you really should hate me," he began, "But I'm glad you don't.... after the way everyone treats you, you still forgive them that's why I love you!"

He was always such a romantic and ever since I had gotten back to Forks this is what we did all day... except on the rare occasions when Alice had convinced me to go shopping with her. The day I got the news was one of those.

"What are you wearing?!" Alice spat out shocked.

She didn't mean to say it out loud I could tell from the way she quickly covered her mouth. My emotions were mixed. Half of me was shocked and the other half just wanted to laugh. Jasper and Tristan -who were also standing at the door- couldn't contain their booming laughter only prompting me to want to laugh as well. Quickly, Alice grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room.

For about five minutes, Alice searched her closet chucking her clothes out while repeating "no". She had carried this on until finally she pulled out a beautiful, flowery blue summer dress. My eyes widened. The dress was gorgeous.

"What's wrong?" Alice curiously asked.

"I.... I don't think I'm pretty enough to wear a dress like that," I stuttered.

She just laughed.

Our usual shopping place was out of order from Charlie as there were so many murders happening in Seattle. Alice obviously agreed to his request though it was impossible for anyone to touch me with a vampire on my side.

As Alice walked in front of me I trailed behind kicking even the tiniest of litter that I could. She sighed.
"You're so slow," She complained.
"We haven't been anywhere I wanna go through....."
"Where would you like to go then?"

She sighed again.
"(Y/n) that's not fair you wear clothes, I wear clothes but your the only one who eats.... constantly I may be wrong but isn't it unhealthy to eat so much?"
Her question was rhetorical so I just kept a hopeful smile.
Eventually, she gave up.
"Fine but you owe me."

Happily, I jumped up and down clapping my hands to which she smiled.
Hours passed and we were still shopping. Suddenly, I got a phone call. As I pulled out my phone I read the saved number as "Bella lamb". We had each others name as the first nickname Jasper and Edward had given to us.

Though previously it had been saved as "Bella Heroine" I had to change it. Charlie had seen it an thought she was doing drugs and almost got grounded for life. It was a miracle how we got out of that one but now my name was saved as "(y/n) bee" and she was "Bella lamb".

As soon as my phone was out I answered.
"Hey (Y/n)!"
"Hey Bella what's wrong?"
"Then why did you call me?"
"It's boys what's wrong it's what's right!"
"Ok what's right?"
"Edward proposed and I said yes!"
"No way!"
"Yes way!"
"I thought marriage was just a piece of paper to you."
"I'm still happy to marry him but he also agreed to change me!"
"Congrats sis."
"Thank you"
"You're welcome Anyway I've gotta go you know how Alice is when we're shopping."
"Do I?! Haha well good luck,"
"Thanks I'll need it."

Shortly after I hung up on the phone. Alice starred at me with curious eyes. Either wondering our conversation or if I would tell her. Most likely though she already knew. A proposal was something that would have to be planned and Alice was definitely have seen it coming.

"I knew it!" She said as if it was a surprise.
"Of course you did," I mumbled.
"Oh (y/n) don't be sour because I'm taking you out shopping," she sighed.
"That's not why I'm upset...." I answered, "I'm upset because I dropped my fries."

Alice laughed though I didn't find it funny at the time. Now looking back I was quite childish..... but it was like me to be like that. 

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