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(Y/n) PoV

Prom had finally arrived and Bella had decided to come after all. She had borrowed a beautiful, purple dress from Alice and styled her hair in curls.

My hair was in an updo instead of curls and my makeup was very detailed. Jasper and Edward were waiting downstairs with Charlie for us to be ready. When I saw Jasper my jaw dropped. His hair was beautifully styled and his suit was the most charming thing I'd ever seen.
"Hey my jaw is supposed to be the one dropping not your," he chuckled and he gracefully took my hands for me to walk down the last few steps, "But If I allowed my jaw to drop it would probably hit the floor."

He took me into and embrace and kissed me on the lips. Charlie watched carefully until we had left and were out of sight. We were taking Edwards car. In the drive down, Charlie sent a text telling us that he put extra pepper spray in my bag for not me and Bella. Edward slightly chuckled to which I then kicked the back of his chair. Stop it. I thought. He chuckled again. An obvious no.

Shortly after, we arrived at the school for the prom. My eyes skimmed across the full room and I saw a face I recognised. A woman sort of looking like the Victoria girl from the baseball game. Though I couldn't be sure. Everything just seemed to happen so fast. Bella and I had to step out of the crowded room for a bit so that we could breath.

We sat there for a while when Jacob started walking out from the trees.
"Jacob!" I cheered happy to see my wolf friend.
Both Bella and I ran over to hug him.
"So what are you doing here? Did you come with a date or just trying to crash prom?" Bella asked in a teasing manner. Jacob chuckled and sat on the bench.
"No my dad... he payed me 20$ to come and talk to you both," he began, "He uh... wants me to tell you to dump your boyfriends."

Of course. Billy wasn't to fond of the Cullens. Especially now that the daughters of his best friend was dating not just one but two of them. We just laughed it of as if it was a joke before our dates arrived.

Jasper glared at Jacob for a while as if he wanted to kill him on the spot. After a few minutes the silence was broken. 
"What's your problem?" Jacob snapped in anger.
"Well right now your my problem," Jasper answered.
Before anything major could happen I pulled Jasper back into where prom was being held. Edward and Bella stayed for a bit longer.

Hours passed and soon it was time to announce prom king a queen.
"So as most of you know we bring up the three most votes couples and also give all of them a small prize," the head master began, "In a random order we have Jessica Stanley and Mike Newton, then we have Jasper Hale and (y/n) Swan and finally we have Bella Swan and Edward Cullen."
After each of our names were called out everyone clapped us on the stage.
"It was a close one but in third place we have Mike Newton and Jessica Stanley, in second place we have Bella Swan and Edward Cullen and that only leaves  one couple left in first place we have (y/n) Swan and Jasper Hale."

We had won! It was the best day ever. And Jasper was by my side making it even better. In a gentlemanly way, he pulled out his hand and bowed.
"May I have the honer of having this dance Queen (y/n)."
I smiled a blushing smile.
"You may."

People watched us dance for a bit until they started joining in. In the background, I heard the music slightly playing a thousand years and as I starred into his beautiful eyes I knew he was the one I was meant to find.

Hey guys how are you doing? I hope your enjoying my fanfic. This story isn't yet finished though I know this is where the first movie ends I'm writing it all the way through to the end. The last book. I'm just going to carry right on. Just in case you re- move it from your reading list and miss the ending. Thank you for reading so far

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