Cheating scum

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Jasper's PoV

Deadline! The last day Leo could tell her he was cheating. Though after first break, both Alice and Edward told me that he had no intention of telling her what he had done. I wasn't going to let him get away with this so I walked over to (Y/n) and her friends.

"Hey.... er.... (Y/n) I think you should break up with your boyfriend" yep Jasper you nailed that. Ugh seriously what was I thinking. Her friends looked up at me curiously.
"And why would she do that? Don't tell me you jealous," Jessica laughed.
They all started asking questions and saying that I was jealous and asking why until I couldn't take it anymore.
"HE'S CHEATING ON YOU!" I shouted, "He's cheating on you with Emma Diroas."

Everyone in the room was quiet. No one said a word just started right at us. Leo heard this and walked over in a panic.
"Dude not cool you said this was the last day I could tell her," he whined.
"So it's true?" (Y/n) asked almost in tears.
Mad at what he had done to her I punched him making him fall to the floor. My brothers and sisters tried to calm me down and get me of him but they struggled. Even with Emmett.
"THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR.." I screamed.
Lucky for him, my siblings managed to get me of him and all he really got was a month in hospital.

They all sat me on a chair and started talking to me. Well all except Rosalie she wouldn't know what to say so she was forgiven.
"Jasper you have to remember that they are human you might have killed him," Emmett quietly explained.
Soon, I was calm and slightly guilty.
Everyone was seeing if Leo was alright. Well all except Bella. (Y/n) had always had a caring heart and wanted to make sure the jerk was alright.

Edward went of to the side to talk to Bella.

Edwards PoV

"Edward? What happened?" Bella asked curiously.
I had to give as little information as possible. Telling her Jasper just lashed out as he cares for her sister and that it's best not to get on Jaspers bad side as we all "work out". Though none of us did it was just the Vampire in us but Bella didn't know that. Then.... she changed the subject.
"Hey we were planning on going to the beach this Weekend if you want to come, you can also bring Jasper I'm sure (y/n) would like that."
I thought for a moment and then...
"What beach?" I asked
She spoke and almost immediate answer.
"La Push!" She exclaimed.
As quick as she had answered was as quick as I declined. We were not allowed at La Push beach due to the vampire wolf treaty.

Jaspers PoV

Later that day, after a long telling of from Carlisle and Esme I decided to visit (y/n). Charlie's car wasn't in the drive way just Bella's vans I knocked on the door. Bella answered.
"Hey Jasper," she greeted.
"May I come in?" I asked calmly.
She nodded and let me through telling me which room belonged to (y/n).

Slowly, I opened the door and there she sat crossed legged, on her bed reading a book wearing her reading glasses and pyjamas. Embarrassed, she closed her book and took of her glasses.
"Oh my you've lost your page," I pointed out.
(Y/n) shook her head as in to say "it doesn't matter". Why was she so embarrassed though?

"You look cute with glasses," I complimented.
"Shut up," She said again embarrassed.
"I mean it."
I walked closer to her and placed my hand on her cheek.
"Your not human are you?" She asked, "I still don't know what else you could be."
It was clear. She was on the verge of finding out my true form.

I stayed quite for a bit before talking again.
"How are you after today?" I asked her worried.
Tears seemed to fill her eyes but this time also fell down her cheek.
"I... I thought he loved me...." she cried.
I hushed her like a baby and gently took her in my arms.
"He doesn't deserve you..." I whispered in her ear.

It was obvious even while she was standing up, my touch, smell, voice... it was all slowly putting her to sleep. Though the deeper into sleep she went the more tempting her blood was I still didn't want to wake her so I resisted. Eventually, she was deep into her slumber and I rested her in her bed. Just before I left, I kissed her delicately on her forehead and slowly closed the door.

When I went downstairs, I saw that Edward was sitting in the kitchen with Bella.
"Jasper?" Edward gasped.
I just smiled and waved. Seemed like he was having a little moment with his human. The last thing I did before leaving was winking at him with a thumbs up. If he was human he would most definitely had blushed. And then I left.

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