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(Y/n) PoV

The party started of really well. Alice's decorations were amazing and the cake looked delicious. Well if there was one thing I was looking forward to for my birthday it was definitely the cake.

As soon as I walked in the room, I had spotted the cake and wouldn't stop eyeing it down.
"I knew you would like it," Alice finally spoke bringing me back down to Earth.
Of course she knew. Even without her power it was pretty clear how much I loved cake though didn't eat it all the time.

"Time for presents," Alice cheered leading Bella and I to a table full of presents, "These are your and these are yours."
She handed us a couple presents. Bella and I took it in turns to open our present. We only had one shared present which was from Emmett. A stereo already installed in the truck.

"I bought you more then one present I hope that's alright," Jasper told me.
I couldn't help but aw at his gesture. I opened one of the presents and inside was a painting of me and Jasper. Holding each other close and starring in each other's eyes. At the bottom, it had a small message.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Nothing is sweeter
Then a girl like you
(Y/n) you are my world
I love you forever
Happy birthday

I couldn't help myself but to run over and hug him. Now it was Bella's turn to open her present. It was from Carlisle and Esme. Bella didn't even get the chance to see what happened as she had cut her finger slightly. Before she could get a tissue for it the blood dropped onto the carpet.

Everyone looked at Jasper. His eyes had changed colour. Hungry! He charged towards Bella knocking me back onto the floor. Edward pushed Bella back away from Jasper while Emmett and Carlisle stopped him in his tracks.

Both Alice and I ran over to him to calm him down.
"Jazz, Jazz, sh, sh, I just a little.... blood," she hesitated, "(y/n) go make sure Bella is alright your still human just because he's your boyfriend doesn't mean he won't try to attack you."

Without arguing I went to tend on her with Carlisle who had also ran over to her. Emmett carried Jasper outside, Esme held her breath holding open the door and Alice left behind with Rosalie. Edward was the last to leave.
"Please Edward go check on him and tell me when he has calmed down please he didn't mean to attack her," I begged.

He hesitated but Carlisle helped me persuade him to go to Jasper. Bella was then carried into Carlisle's office where he had kept most of his medical equipment. Feeling guilty as ever Bella started to apologise. Both Carlisle and I tried to convince her it was just an accident but she didn't listen.

"Why doesn't he just change me?" Bella asked as a rhetorical question.
I looked at Carlisle also wanting to know the answer even if she wasn't expecting one.
"Vegetarian Vampires aren't really that known but we could end up in the same place as average vampires," he looked down, "Though I hope being able to control the thirst for human blood would.... well give me a reward I know it's foolish but I didn't get to choose this life maybe if and when I die it wouldn't be so bad."

We both agreed that he deserved to go to heaven Vampire or not. Carlisle continued stitching Bella's arm back together and getting rid of the bloody tissue. Then Edward came in.
"(Y/n) he's calm now but I will be taking you both home in ten minutes so hurry up," his voice had no emotion unlike his eyes.
Worried and caring.

Quickly, I rushed down to the garage where Jasper had been taken.
"(Y/n) I'm so sorry I lost control I..." I cut him of.
"Accidents happen all the time there's no need for apologies they're only words the real apology is moving on..."

"Yes but if he had gotten to her the treaty.... the wolves," Rosalie snapped.
The treaty with the wolves. I had heard of it once before but didn't really understand it.
"Babe chill please it was just an accident...." Emmett began, "But I'm not saying that your wrong."

Edward soon came in. We all looked over to him serious as ever.
"It's time to leave," He ordered.
I said my goodbyes to Jasper and the others before heading for Edwards car.

The journey was quiet. No one spoke. No one turned on the radio. No one cared.

As soon as we had got home, I ran up to my room not wanting to talk to anyone. Though I had little to nothing to do with what happened I still felt guilty. About an hour after I got home, Jasper sent me a text.

I'm so sorry about tonight. Is it alright if I meet you tomorrow after school at my place. I won't be at school but Edward will he's going to talk to Bella as well but at your house. You know the way to mine so please let me talk to you.

I read it from the notification. Not bothering to actually open it or even reply. Worried I went to sleep... or at least I tried to.

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