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(Y/n) PoV

It was the morning of graduation. Jasper was still in my room from the night before. The reason for my awakening was because of a nightmare. I turned over to see that my clock said 5:26.
"Why are you up so early?"He asked curiously.

Sitting up in my bed, I sighed.
"What was it about?"
Without a word, I shook my head and slowly stood up. In hyper speed, he rushed to my side. I was wearing a grey onzie with pink stars and a hood.
"Stay here I'm only getting some tea."
I stretched pushing myself onto the bed to put on my slippers. Jasper stayed completely still as I left to get some tea.

Charlie was already up wearing his dressing gown and reading the paper.
"Hey Kiddo," he greeted.
"Hi," I yawned.
He was also wondering why I was up so early. It was easy to tell from his surprise but in stead he asked an other question.

"Excited for graduation?" He asked.
"Yes," was my answer. It was true as well though not for the reason he was thinking. Ever since I was little I dreamed of being a singer and everyone who had ever made my acquaintance knew this as well. Jasper was against me and Bella becoming a vampire same with Bella and that's one thing they kept reminding me of. Though we didn't care. If it meant being with them we would repeat it a thousand, million times. 

Later, was graduation. My palms started sweating and my heart wouldn't stop beating. When I was little I had been in an assembly and that had traumatized me into always having stage fright just before going on stage to perform it. It was so strong even Jasper couldn't control it. Every time he tried it would only last for a second. 

"It's a beautiful speech they won't laugh," my soon to be brother in law had tried to calm me while Bella told me to continually count to ten. 

That didn't help either. Soon, it was my turn to go on and say my speech. At first, everything was fine. I started out with my eyes shut like super glue. 

"In life there will be problems. Maybe a fight with your lover or someone is telling you your dream is useless and you should just give up. Yes you will be upset but you can't hold a grudge against it or give up when someone tells you to," I opened my eyes, "L... l... life uh.... um...."

The audience started to whisper obviously getting annoyed about my stuttering. My face warmed up probably going red and all I wanted was to fall on the floor and cry but before I could even get close to that I felt a cold arm wrap around my waist and a whisper in my ear telling me to relax. Jasper! It was easier now to calm down then earlier. Now my whole focus had gone to him and the butterflies in my stomach. 

"Life is short and could end any day. You can never be sure what tomorrow will bring. 'Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.' the words spoken of a very intelligent man. We are not immortal and everyday is an other surprise. This isn't the end. It's only the beginning and it's up to you to live your life as if it was gonna end tomorrow. You see all these famous people but they didn't all start out like that but they never gave up. Why do you think they are where they are? Because they knew what they wanted to learn and do to truly for full their lives and they did. You can to. Live your life and make everyday worth living."

The way  he had said my speech was so much better then I could ever had done it. I suddenly felt like a piece of rubbish in a models arm. Jasper looked at me and starred into my eyes for about five seconds before then kissing me softly on my lips. The audience awed but I saw Charlie's eyes. He had never been to fond of Jasper or Edward as our boyfriends but we didn't pay much attention to him. 

As we walked  out, Alice skipped over to us holding Tristan's hand. You didn't have to be a vampire with some incredible power to know what she was going to talk about. Though there was still one thing she had bought up that I was not expecting. 

"That was so romantic! I never knew Jasper could be like that. Seriously, maybe you should catch the flowers and Bella's wedding you can be the next to get married."

Married? The word bought instant butterflies to my stomach and it had never in my life been so bad. My head was spinning and my temperature raised. I was so nervous I felt like I was gonna be sick. Quickly, I started pacing to the toilet or a nearby bush depending if I could pass the bush before throwing up. At the same time, my head was only getting more light and my vision got so blurry it was impossible to see anything but blurs. 

The next thing I knew I had smashed onto the cool ground and everything was black. I couldn't talk or open my eyes. Though for a couple of seconds I could still hear. 

"(Y/n)!" Jasper's recognizable voice called and then an his arm raised me up a bit. 

Though there were a lot of unfamiliar voices hustled around me there were a few I knew. Carlisle's was one of them. 

"Calm down everyone I'll take her to hospital, Edward can you drive while I tend to her on the way?" 

That's the last thing I remember hearing clearly.....   

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