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(Y/n) PoV

I sat quietly starring out the window feeling guilty for what Bella and I had said to Charlie. There was so much guilt and regret for the words that had come out of our mouths. We knew this was for his own good and mentally I was beating myself up for it.
"You don't have to feel guilty about what you said to Charlie you know," Jasper began.
Of course he knew exactly what I was feeling. Guilt. Regret. Two of my least favourite emotions. I didn't answer. In stead, I quietly sighed and continued to stare out the window.
"Hey you shouldn't call yourself that you know," Edward added.
Mentally, I was calling myself all sorts of names while also thinking that Charlie deserved a better daughter then me.
"Stay out of my head," I finally spoke but coming out more of a mumble.

Edward probably would had laughed at that but the situation was way to serious for it. As I thought more about what I had said tears started streaming down my eyes. I was usually one to wear my heart on my sleeve and this time was no different. Immediately, Jasper turned his head towards me and whipped my tears. My eyes instantly were dried and I felt a little better. Unsure if it was him or me controlling my emotions I didn't really care. As long as Jasper was by my side I knew everything was going to be alright.

Soon, we arrived at the Cullens to change scent and try to confuse the trackers (which Edward had previously called him) path. Bella changed clothes with Esme while I wore Alice's clothes. We were about the same size making it a perfect fit. Esme, Alice, Edward and Jasper would run in the woods distracting James while me, Bella, Emmett, Rose and Carlisle had a head start.

I must had fallen asleep in the car as the next thing I remembered was I was laying next to Bella in a hotel bed. For a while, I layed there listening to Carlisle conversation on the phone with Alice's muffles answering back. James' tracks had changed and he was on his way to mine and Bella's old ballet studio.

Gently, I shook Bella awake and whispered to her telling her what had happened. We sat there talking for a while until we decided to actually get up. Emmett and Carlisle greeted us with a warm morning while Rosalie didn't even acknowledge our existence. Yet I just smiled and carried on.

Bella's PoV

As Carlisle, Rose, Emmett and (y/n) we're talking I suddenly got a phone call. It was James and he had my Mum. Her voice was alarmed and seemingly scared. So many thoughts were flooding through my head but I knew I had to at least try to save her.

Not waiting an other minute, I suck out to the ballet studio to try and find her. Slowly, I opened one of the doors to see that it revealed a recording of me and Mum when I was a child. Talking about how much better (y/n) was then me.

I tried to run but I couldn't. The tracker had me and couldn't hold himself back. My wrist was in his jaw as his continued to suck my blood. Flashing lights appeared I was about to think all hope was lost until Edward appeared in front. He fought James of me but wasn't able to help until the others had arrived.

Jasper, Alice and Emmett killed James by ripping of his head and setting him on fire. At the same time, Edward and Carlisle was tending to my wounds. Slowly, the venom was spreading turning me into a vampire. Edward started sucking it out and then the room went black.

When I awoke Mum was standing over me and Edward was pretending to sleep on the other bed. She had thought I had fallen out of a window which I had agreed with. Clumsiness getting me into hospital. It sounded like me 100%. Easily believable.

(Y/n) PoV

Pacing back and forth I worried about my twin. Why did she go on her own? How did she believe a stupid recording? A million questions just flooded my head.
"Luckily I'm not Edward or he'd be getting a migraine," Jasper joked.

A slight smile appeared on my face but I still felt so much anxiety. He walked over to me and hugged me. He calmed me down.
"Your using your power aren't you," I guessed knowing I was right.
He slightly nodded and continued to hug me.

We were stuck in the waiting room of the hospital. My least favourite place to be. Not only was my own anxiety filling the room but in the far right corner and old man sat there on his own probably waiting for his death so he could reunite with his wife or something. In a closer seat, there was a woman with a crying baby as she tried to calm the child down. It was clear she hadn't slept in days. Her hair was a mess and he face was dry.

Other patients waited to either be seen or to see if their family member or friend was alright. With the quiet as well there was also awkwardness as everyone just starred at each other trying to figure out their story. Suddenly, the doctor walked out with Mum next to him. Bella had asked to talk to me and Jasper had followed for support.

As soon as I walked in I cheered with relief but Bella didn't look so happy.
"She doesn't want to leave Forks," Edward answered the question I was thinking.
I would have told him if for reading my thoughts but his statement had shocked me.
"We are not leaving Forks," I answered firmly.

Jasper has agreed with Edward but they didn't try to force us. After all, James was gone so he couldn't harm us anymore.

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