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Bella's PoV

We rushed all the way to Volterra Italy where the Volturi apparently lived. Alice zoned out for a few seconds to scan her visions.

"What did you see?" I asked panicked.
"The Volturi refused them," she explained, "Edward's going to expose himself but Jasper.... it's blurred somehow!"

I hurried her up causing her to pass the speed limit but miles. At this current moment, all I could think about was if we'd reach Jasper and Edward fast enough. Clutching the top of my head, my stress levels only increased. Eventually, we arrived. Just in the nick of time.

Alice couldn't go to close as only her thought would be heard causing Edward to speed up the process. Never in my entire life had I ran so fast. I was just in time as Edward was just leaving the shadows I jumped onto him and started kissing him.

"Bella? He was shocked yet over joyed to see me still alive.

Hugging me back, we walked back inside. 

"Don't do that again!" I shouted tears almost filling my eyes.

As soon as he put me down, we realized three vampires standing there. Two were male and one was female. All wearing black cloaks. 

"Aro would be very intrigued to see you with this human Edward," the blond female spoke. 

Of course she was beautiful. Like every other vampire. Her makeup was on point and her tied back hair complimented her facial features well. Though I did notice unlike the vampires I had seen so far her eyes were blood red. 

"Jane you can trust her she won't tell anyone our secret," Edward tried to defend me but she didn't listen. 

Behind us two guards appeared pushing us into the throne room. 

"I knew you would be back, but I was not expecting you to arrive with a human," The main one with long, black hair spoke with a voice that sounded like feathers. 

Next to him was Jasper wearing the same cloak as the others and seemed to be in some kind of trance. 

"What have you done to my brother Aro? This isn't your power," Edward demanded furiously. 

Aro laughed a high pitched laugh. 

"Haven't you ever heard of black magic? Used a lot by people," He answered evilly, "Jasper attack the human!" 

Without a thought Jasper came charging towards me. Before he could reach me though Edward pushed him away. 


I know what you must be wondering. Why did they use black magic on Jasper and not Edward. Well the answer is simple. Edward (even though tried to die) was at a much more stable emotional state then Jasper and therefore was strong enough for black magic not to get to him but Jasper on the other hand was worse. He blamed himself for everything. And so was so vulnerable he could be manipulated easily. 

I screamed and screamed at him about (y/n) until he was out of the trance. Quickly, he turned around to attack Aro and we helped until Jane used her power. 

"Pain!" She said starring right at Edward causing him to fall on the floor. 

He felt the worst pain anyone could imagine. During this, two of Aro's guards got a hold of him and the other two who were sitting on the other thrones pulled Jasper of from Aro. 

"Stop!" I cried, "Take me instead! If you want to kill someone kill me!"

Stunned, Aro looked at me and told the others to stop. 

"You would take your life for one of us?" he asked. 

"Yes!" I answered.

As he walked towards me to kill me the doors opened wide and Alice walked through. 

"Stop!" she shouted, "Bella will be one of us! I've seen it! I'll change her myself."

Aro changed his direction from me to Alice. Taking her hand, he could obviously see the vision Alice had, had of me and Edward.

"And the human standing in front of me now isn't the only one I can see, unconscious in a hospital if she does survive she to will become one of us and very powerful indeed," Aro's smile widened. 

Jaspers eyes were full of hurt and worry for (y/n) yet still the room stayed quiet. 

"Every months I will check in to see but if they pass the age of twenty five I will have no choice but to declare war."

The deal was made. Though the age was random the deal was fair and still gave us enough time to change both me and (y/n). At least, we were safe for now. 

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