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Bella's PoV

I hadn't spoken to (y/n) for months. It was obvious she blamed me for the Cullens move and to be honest I blamed myself as well. A couple times, I heard Charlie on the phone to Reneé and was able to hear their conversations.

(Y/n) wasn't doing well and it was all my fault. She had been kicked out of three schools already and kept sleeping around with boys. Apparently, she even had a baby with one of them but it had died from an illness. The baby was named Jasmine the girl name for Jasper and well (y/n) had started to do better but it was not to last.

All her emotions had come back and she had decided to start going to the gym.

Though I wasn't doing very well myself I know she was going through so many more emotions. At least, I had Jake there for me but (y/n) she may not have looked it but she was as lonely as they came. All because of my stupid paper cut...

(Y/n) PoV

It wasn't fair. Everything I did was because I was grieving. After I became pregnant with Jasmine bullying started. So many names were given to me but I carried on for my one light in the shadows. Jasmine!

Even she left me... My baby girl was murdered by an illness and all my emotions came back. Plus new ones from my little girl. I had published a cover song in her honour on YouTube and wrote my story underneath. Everyone said I was strong but I was dieing inside.

In that time, I had posted four cover songs in that time.
1. Supermarket flowers

2. See you again

3. My heart will go on

4. When your gone

Everything got worse and nothing got better. I had so many breakdowns, panic attacks, nightmares and it seemed I had no friends. One day, while Phil and Mum were out I had decided to make a video to say goodbye.

"I'm sorry I'm leaving you," my voice trembled, "I just couldn't take anymore heartbreak. Don't blame anyone else except me for what I'm about to do. I will miss all of you."

And with that I took the pills.

Reneé's PoV

When I got home I saw a packet of pills lying on the floor of my almost dead daughter with a video camera on the counter. In a panic, I ran over to her.
"CALL 911!!!" I screamed to Phil who was already way ahead of me.

Luckily, we managed to get her to the hospital just in time. If we had called five minutes later (y/n) would have been dead. Still at this point we wasn't sure if she would live through this comer.

The next day, I called Charlie and broke the news to him. He was panicking but tried to control himself. Saying he had to tell Bella he hung up.

Charlie's PoV

I told Reneé I was going to tell Bella straight away but I couldn't. Not because I was to scared to but because I fell to the floor in tears. Bella was getting better by telling her the news could change that. Soon, she came into the room with Jacob and started getting worried asking me what was wrong.

Through the tears it was harder to tell her what had happened but she managed to understand me and so did Jacob. He called Billy knowing that my best friend would know exactly how to cheer me up.

Bella's PoV

I could not believe it. While I was getting better my sister was only getting worse. Again I started blaming myself for what I had done. Jacob told me that I should visit her because no one knew if she would ever awaken.

"Do you really think I could go over to her after she had tried to kill herself? While still in a comer that might kill her? This was all my fault Jacob and if anyone deserves to be in that bed it's me!" I told him almost in tears.

Instead of talking, he wrapped his arms around me. I hugged back and that's when the tears started rolling down my cheek. Now everything that I had worked towards to be happy again came crashing down and the want for danger just came running back.

I knew the perfect stunt to do. Cliff diving!

I know this is a sad chapter but it does get better. Please don't send hate if you didn't like how dark it got just trust me there is a light at the end of the tunnel

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